There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Chick
- Candy Bags: Yellow paper, scissors: zigzag and ordinary, glass, sticky tape, stapler, glue, yellow pom pom for head, felt or paper for eyes and beak, chocolate eggs or small gift, net, ribbon
- Take a square of yellow paper and cut along one edge with zigzag scissors. Form the basket shape by wrapping the zigzag edge of the paper around the bottom half of a glass placed upside-down on the table. Tape the seam together and fold the free section of the paper over the bottom of the glass to make the base of the basket. Secure with tape.
- Cut a small strip of paper to be used for the handle using zigzag scissors and staple into position on each side of the basket.
- Using ordinary scissors, cut a small fan-shaped piece of paper for a tail (don't forget to cut in the feathers) and two small wings. Glue the tail to the back of the basket, and the wings to either side, just beneath the handle.
- Make eyes, a beak, and a tuft of head feathers out of felt or paper and glue them onto the pompom head. When they are dry, glue the head onto the front of the basket.
- Buy chocolate-covered eggs or other small gifts. Wrap them in a small piece of net, tie with bow and place inside your basket.
- Hanging Chickens: Polystyrene egg, wooden skewer, paint, brush, scissors, colored pipe cleaners, glue, elastic, bead
- Push a wooden skewer into the base of the egg, then paint the egg bright yellow, holding onto the skewer. Anchor the skewer until the paint has dried.
- When dry, cut up colored pipe cleaners: two blue bits for the eyes, orange for the beak and comb, brown and black stripes for the legs and tail. Push the eyes, beak and comb into position.
- Thread a bead onto a length of elastic or string, securing it with a knot. Make a hole in the top center of the egg wit a skewer and glue the bad into it.
- Push in pipe cleaners for the legs and tail.
- Milk Carton Basket: School-sized milk carton, construction paper, pipe cleaners, decorations
- Cut off the top from a school-sized milk carton.
- Cover the box with construction paper.
- Attach a paper or pipe cleaner handle and decorate the basket.
- Eggshell Artwork: Eggshells, glue, paper plates or box lids or egg carton lids or other objects, paint, fine brushes or cotton swabs
- Crush eggshells with your hands.
- Use glue to apply the eggshells to paper plates, box lids, egg carton lids, or other objects.
- Paint the shells lightly, using very fine brushes or cotton swabs.
- Eggs-tra Bounce: What Did You Eggs-pect?: 2 whole raw eggs(in shell), glass of water, glass of vinegar
- Put one egg in a glass of water and let it stand for a full 24 hours. Place the other egg in the vinegar and let it stand for the same length of time.
- The egg in the water remains the same, while the egg in the vinegar compound now feels and looks like a rubber ball, and no longer has a shell! If you drop it a short distance into the sink, it will actually bounce. Now you know how this experiment got its name.
- In the vinegar, a chemical change took place in the egg. The acetic acid(vinegar) reacted with the calcium carbonate of the eggshell. The change caused the shell to soften and disappear, while the egg in the glass of water did not chemically change. Chemists would say that the shell of the egg in the vinegar becomes "decalcified."
- No Bones About It!: Large wide-mouth jar, 1 1/2 cups of vinegar, some clean chicken bones(leg bones work best)
- Place the vinegar in the jar and put the clean bones in it. Make certain the bones are completely covered by the vinegar. Leave the bones to set for two days.
- The chicken bones are no longer hard, but soft.
- Bones are chiefly made up of the minerals calcium and phosphorus. When you soak the chicken bones in vinegar (acetic acid), a chemical change takes place and the mineral (stiffening) matter in them dissolves.
- The Egg In The Bottle Trick: Boiling water, small-necked bottle like a ketchup bottle or a baby's bottle, pot holder, hard-boiled egg, peeled
- Pour the boiling water into the bottle. Hole the bottle with a pot holder and shake the water around in it and then pour it out. Quickly place the egg over the mouth of the bottle.
- Although the egg is larger than the opening, the egg drops into the bottle.
- The hot water steam in the bottle, which forces out some of the air. As the steam in the bottle cools, it changes into droplets of water and requires less space. This reduces the amount of air pressure in the bottle, and so the pressure of the outside air pushes the egg inside the bottle.
- To remove the egg, hole the bottle upside down, place your mouth on the opening of the bottle, and blow into it for 30 seconds. The pressure inside will be greater than the pressure outside--and the egg will be forced out.
- Chicken or Chicken Nuggets
- Peeps
Five Little Carrots:
Five little carrots in a veggie garden
A gopher ate one, I beg your pardon.
Four little carrots in the ground
A gopher came along, took it to his mound.
Three little carrots left in the dirt
Its top was nibbled on, but didn't hurt.
Two little carrots left in the sun
A groundhog came along and left just one.
One lonely carrot all alone
'Till a farmer came along and took it home.
- Word of the day:
- Review words of the week
- Make sentences with these words
- How many sentences did your child make.
- Playdoh Fun: Playdoh
- Have your child make numbers with the playdoh.
- They can also make little balls and then count them and use them as math too. Like 2 red balls and 3 blue balls = 5 balls
- The Golden Egg Book by Margaret Wise Brown
- Home For A Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown
- An Eggs-traordinary Adventure (Backyardigans) by Golden Books
- Where's The Golden Egg by Dawn Bentley
- Extra Special Eggs by Golden Books
- Peter Cottontail Is On His Way by Andrea Posner
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