Nick Jr.

MTV Networks, Inc.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tuesday Tips!

Tuesday Tips!
Last Minute Gifts For Those Wanting to Lose Weight!

Nintendo Ds Game: Personal Trainer Walking: 

  • I own this game and its great. Its more of a helpful weight loss device than a game.
  • It comes with 2 Pedometers.  
  • You must have a Nintendo DS or DSI to use this game.  
  • The pedometer blinks red until you have reached your daily goal.  Then it blinks green.
  • You are unable to see how you have done until you log on with it.  Which keeps you motivated.
  • The pedometers can link up wirelessly to your DS or DSI.  Once you link it up, it will tell you how many steps you took.  How long you sat and when.  If you ran or jogged and how long.  
  • It also gives you goals for the day to do.  
  • You can have up to 4 people onto one game. The extra pedometers can be purchased online for around $20 a piece. You can have competitions with one another. You can even put one on your dog.
  • If you own a Wii, you can load your own Mii to the pedometer, that will show up when you log onto the game.
Wii My Fitness Coach:
  • I also own this game too.
  • This game is great because you can set up the way you want to exercise.
  • The game has you do different things like jumping jacks, push-ups, sit-ups, etc.  They will time you and then at the end of the timer, they will ask you how many you did and how difficult it was for you.  Then they will set up the exercise routine according to how you did.
  • During the exercise they will ask you after a routine how it was if it was too hard, just right, too easy.  Then they will adjust the routine.
Wii Fit:
  • I own this game too.
  • This one keeps you moving and having fun doing it.
  • Has several games and exercises to do.
  • Every-time you play the Wii, it weighs you and tells you how you are doing.
  • My sister-in-law has lost over 30 pounds playing this game and so many others I know too.
  • Great way to keep your children active too, especially during the winter months.
  • They also have Wii Fit Plus.
Simple Steps: 10 Weeks To Getting Control Of Your Life Book: 
  • Great book to help get your house and yourself organized in just 10 weeks.  
  • Helps you get into habits of doing stuff.
  • Helps you to keep moving and lose weight.
  • Helps you feel better about yourself because you are more organized.
  • Amazon has this book for only $3.23. Free shipping for those who have Amazon Prime. You can order a bunch if you want your friends and yourself to do this together.  Keep yourselves motivated if there are a group of you.  There is free shipping if you spend $25 on Amazon.  Remember the Amazon link is on my page.
Any Denise Austin Exercise Videos:
  • She has all sorts of videos out there.
  • I find hers simple and easy to use.
  • She even has ones for pregnant women.
  • She doesn't have an annoying voice, like some do.
  • She has been around for a long time.
I-Phone or I-Pod Touch Apps:
  • There are several apps out there for people to download great thing onto their devices.
  • I know there is one that you put all your information in like your weight, height, meds and more in.  Then when you go to the store you can scan barcodes and it will tell you whether it is good for you or not.  If its bad for you then it will give you an alternative that is better for you.
  • There are ones for tracking what you eat and drink.
Join a Gym:
  • This is great if there are a couple of you that go and do this together.
  • You can hire a personal trainer for as long as you want. If you want do this to get you started.
  • Most gyms have a swimming pool, which are great for those who have problems with their back, legs, or arms.  I have big problems with my leg and a day of swimming helps take the pain away and makes it feel so much better.
  • Most gyms have babysitting services for those with young kids.  This is great for new moms.  Lets moms have time to for themselves.
  • Most gyms have programs like yoga, martial arts and so much more.  These usually cost extra.
A Pedometer:
  • Purchase one that has calories burned, how many miles walked, and how many steps taken.  Ones that keep the information for a week at a time.  Just in case ones forgets to write it down.
  • Try to purchase ones that wont reset to easily or to loud or too bulky.
  • They have pedometer watches too.
A MP3 Player:
  • This will give someone something to listen to, while working out.
  • Keeps you motivated with the songs that you love to listen too.

My sister has several helpful hints to help someone lose weight on her website:
She always has free giveaways on her website too.   She helps you save lots of money too!


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