Tuesday Tips Will Be Helpful Information For You And/Or Your Child
Keeping Crafts Organized
- Buy a couple plastic shoe box size containers and place your different themed items into the boxes.
- Its great when you see stuff like Space, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Shapes, Colors, Dr. Seuss, winter, USA, Travel, Pirates,Etc., and you have a place to keep them. Those were a couple upcoming themes.
- Buy a calendar, make one of your own, or print one out and write down what you would like to do each day with your child. Make sure to write down library story hours and when to return books.
- Keep craft ideas, activities, coloring pages, etc. in folders or an accordion folder.
- Take pictures of craft ideas when you see them in books, so you don't forget.
- Take a small pad of paper and pen with you when you go to the library or stores, so when you see a book you want to remember for later or buy online you won't forget about it.
- Place different crafts items in its own containers. For example: put all stamps and ink pads in one box, pom poms and googly eyes in a box, stickers in a box, etc. I use a storage device with 9 bins in it and store my child's craft items that way, so whenever she feels like making something she can help herself to the crafts.
- I also use the 3 to 4 drawer plastic storage cases to hold crayons, paints, glues, foam craft items.
- I save all my recycled craft items in see-through pop-up laundry hampers. Make sure that recycled items are all washed before storing. I store my plastic items like: empty sour cream containers, peanut butter containers, strawberry or blueberry containers, water bottles, etc., in one pop-up. And my paper items like: Cardboards, egg cartons, cereal boxes, macaroni boxes, empty t.p. rolls and paper towel rolls, etc. in another pop-up.
- Small items like milk carton lids and rings, plastic bottle cap lids, plastic gravy lids, rubber bands, plastic pieces from toys, make-up containers, broken crayons, etc., in all plastic ice cream containers or bird seed containers. You never know what you might need.
- Do not reuse milk cartons or used meat cases because of bacterial reasons. Water cartons are okay to reuse for crafts.
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