Color Week:
Have your child wear Black and/or White today!
- Bee Ring: Pom Poms (1"Black, two 5mm Yellow), pipe cleaners(black and yellow), 2 gogglie eyes, white felt, 1/4" elastic
- Make a circle out of the yellow pipe cleaner to go around the black pom pom. Add glue around the circle and stick it on the middle of the pom pom.
- Cut a baby stinger out of the yellow pipe cleaner and glue it to the back of the bee.
- Glue on eyes.
- Bend a black pipe cleaner into a V-shape for the antennae and glue into place. Glue small yellow pom poms onto the ends of the black pipe cleaners.
- Cut out an 8-shape out of white felt for the wings and glue on the back of the bee.
- Add elastic in a shape of a ring onto the bottom on the black pom pom for the ring.
- Puffy Clouds: Blue construction paper, cotton balls, glue, crayons or colored chalk
- Glue cotton balls onto the paper. Your child can leave them the way they are or stretch them out.
- Make a background picture for their picture like grass, house, whatever they want. They can use small pieces of cotton balls to make little critters hopping around their pictures like a white bunny or white Arctic fox or polar bear.
Black and White:
- Wintry Night Resist Painting: White paper, white crayon, black poster paint
- Draw snowflakes and/or a snowman on a piece of white paper with white crayon. Press very hard as you draw.
- When the drawing is done, paint over it with black poster board paint.
- The crayon will resist the paint, and the black color against the white crayon will create a wintry night effect.
- Pencil Wrap Pom Pom Skunk: Pom pom (black- 1", two 10mm; pink 5mm), chenille stems (white and hot pink 6mm and black bump), two 6mm gogglie eyes, pencil
- Glue two pom poms on the bottom back of the large black pom pom for legs.
- Glue eyes onto the front. Also glue pink pom pom onto face for the skunk's nose.
- Take two black bumps, bend them in half and glue onto the back of the body for the tail of the skunk.
- Cut and glue a piece of white pipe cleaner down the black of the head, body and tail of the skunk.
- Wrap the hot pink chenille stem around a pencil and glue the skunk at the top of the stem.
- Panda Pebble Pet: Large pebble, white and black acrylic paint, large and medium paintbrushes, glue, 2 gogglie eyes, pink felt-tipped pen
- Paint the pebble white all over using the large paintbrush. Leave to dry.
- Paint a black band around the middle of the pebble to make the body.
- Still using the black paint but with the medium paintbrush, paint patches for the nose and eyes, then the ears. Leave to dry.
- Glue the gogglie eyes onto the eye patches. Set aside until glue is dry. Draw a smile with the pink felt-tipped pen.
- Popcorn Trees: Black construction paper, any other color construction paper, scissors, glue, popped popcorn, scissors
- On black construction paper, take turns tracing around your child's hands and wrists. White chalk or white pencil works well for tracing.
- Cut out a tree pattern. Glue the tree on any color construction paper.
- Glue popcorn to tree.
- RAINBOW: Finger Paint Rainbow colors(blue, green, yellow, red, orange, purple), ziploc quart-sized resealable plastic bags, white paper
- Ask your child which colors they want in each bag. Add 2 or more colors in a bag.
- Place the bags on a flat, clean surface where your child can squeeze, squash, and mix the paint.
- Then let your child paint different pictures with their fingers using their mixed-up paint.
- Make sure to ask them what colors were made from all the colors they added together.
- Rainbow Memory Match Game: Cardboard egg cartons, paint(rainbow), scissors
- Cut out the egg sections of an egg carton. Two egg sections for each color.
- Paint the inside top section of the egg carton, two of each color.
- To play: place the cups facedown. Each player turns over two cups and looks at the colors. If the colors match, the player keeps the pair. If not, the cups are returned to the facedown position. It is the next player's turn. This game continues until all the cups are matched up. The player with the most pairs wins.
- You can do this not only with colors, but with letters, numbers, and pictures. If you want you can use round pieces of paper with these things on it so that you can just pull out the paper and place the next game in like letters, numbers, etc.
- Cotton Ball Relay: Cotton balls, straw
- Each child gets a cotton ball and a straw.
- Everyone starts at the start line and tries to be the first to blow their cotton ball over the finish line using a straw.
- Marshmallow Fight: Different sized marshmallows (big ones work the best)
- Everyone gets a bowl of marshmallows and starts throwing them ate one another, just for fun.
- Marshmallow Stacking Game: Marshmallows, flat surface
- See how high you can stack the marshmallows on top of each other.
- Who can get the highest.
- Marshmallow Snowflake: Gather the marshmallows up from the fight and game, glue, construction paper
- Have your child glue marshmallows onto a piece of paper to make their everyone snowflake.
- They can even add glue to the of the marshmallows to add glitter to their snowflake.
- Your child can even paint their snowflake too.
- Marshmallow Name: Marshmallows, glue, pencil, paper
- If you have any marshmallows left over, your child can write their name in marshmallows.
- Have them write their first name in big print on a piece of paper.
- Then glue marshmallows onto their letters.
- They can paint the marshmallows and add glitter for a cool design.
- Snow Science: Snow, glass measuring cup
- Go outside and put some snow in a glass measuring cup.
- Then go inside and mark the snow level on the outside of the cup.
- Allow the snow to melt in the cup.
- Then mark the water level in the cup and compare it to the original snow level.
- How much water was in the snow?
- Snowflake Examination: Black construction paper, magnifying glass, snowing outside
- When it snowing, step outside with a magnifying glass and a sheet of black paper.
- Collect some snowflakes on the paper.
- Then look at the captured snowflakes through the magnifying glass.
- Study their shapes. What does your child see?
- Color Collages: Black and White pictures from magazines or newspapers, thin cardboard, glue, glitter(Black and White)
- Glue all Black pictures on a piece of cardboard.
- Cut out the letters BLACK out of the newspaper or magazine and glue on top of pictures. Add a bit of glue over the top to add black glitter.
- Do the same thing for the White pictures.
- If you want you can just add the black and white pictures together too.
- Add yarn to the back for hanging up if you want.
- Olives, popcorn, milk, eggs, ice cream, rice
- Word of the day: index card, pen
- That
- Use the word of the day in different sentences.
- See if you can add the other words they learned with the new word.
- Make sure you're writing their new words onto an index cards, to use as flash cards.
- What does it start with? Books with pictures
- In each picture, see if your child can find things that begin with the letters of the alphabet. For example: For the letter A, they might find an apple, ape, apron, etc. Then work on the next letter B, book, beetle, bug, bat, etc.
- Sew-Up Numbers:Colored index cards, hole puncher, yarn, plastic needle, pencil, scissors
- Write a number on each card. Punch holes out of the number. For example for the number 5 you can punch out 11 holes.
- Then have your child thread their needle with a piece of yarn.
- Next, have them sew-up their numbers.
- License Plate Game:
- The next time you're in a car or on a walk, look at the numbers on the license plates of cars on the road.
- Look for the numbers 1 through 9 in order. When you see a 1, shout, "One!" and then "Two!" when you see a 2, all the way up to 9.
- You can do this for speed limit signs, road signs, house numbers, billboard numbers.
- You can even do this for shapes too. Find 3 circles, 4 squares, 5 triangles.
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Humpty Dumpty
Nursery Rhymes:
- Baa, Baa Black Sheep
- Little Miss Muffet
For the lyrics and origins of nursery rhymes and songs
The reading lady has great color songs and songs.
- Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What do you Hear? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle
- 365 Penguins by Jean-Luc Fromental
- Penguins by Liz Pichon
- Panda Bear, Panda Bear, What do you See? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle
- Panda and Polar Bear by Mattew J. Baek
- Hush Little Polar Bear by Jeff Mack
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