Color Week
Have your child wear yellow or green or both today!
- 3-D Trees: Watercolors or watercolor markers, two 9" x 12" pieces of construction paper (green for tree, yellow for frame), glue, scissors, classified ad section of the newspaper, medium-point black markers, paintbrushes
- Cut a 7" x 10" rectangle from the newspaper ad section.
- Color some blocks of ads using a variety of different colors.
- Outline the colored blocks with a medium-point marker.
- Glue an ad section to the corner of the construction paper (frame).
- Make a 3-D tree. Cut out a tree pattern (Large irregular leaf section and a truck section) and glue it to colored ads.
- Cut two smaller leaf sections and glue the center sections to the center of the tree pattern's leaf section. (When dry, fold these sections out to create a 3-D effect.)
- Fold edges of construction paper ( about 1") toward the ad to make a frame. Pinch and glue the corners.
- Twinkling Traffic Light: Half sheet of yellow construction paper (cut lengthwise), piece of cardboard, red, yellow, and green colored corn-syrup paint, glitter(red, gold, green), pencil, paintbrush, hole puncher, yarn, scissors, glue
- To make corn-syrup paint, stir food coloring into clear corn syrup until desired color is achieved.
- Trace three circles onto the cardboard.
- Using the corn-syrup paint, paint the middle circle yellow, the bottom circle green, and the top one red. Sprinkle the corresponding color of glitter on each circle. (Allowing approximately three days for drying time.)
- Trace three circles onto the yellow paper and cut them out. Glue the remaining yellow piece onto the painted piece.
- Punch a hole above the red circle.
- Attach a yarn hanger to the top of the traffic light.
- Critter Keepers: Green felt, egg carton, black marker, gogglie eyes, red foam paper, 2 plastic-foam balls, glue
- Cut a piece of felt big enough to cover the lid of an egg carton. It should be at least 7" x 15" in size. Glue the felt to the lid, tucking in the edges as you would gift wrap and gluing them securely. Let glue dry.
- For the eyes, glue 2 plastic foam balls to the top of the carton. Glue eyes onto the balls.
- Cut out tongue shape from red foam paper and add detail with marker. Glue the tongue on the inside of the lid.
- Duck Cozy: 2 Gogglie eyes, plastic 2-liter soda cap, 2 yellow pipe cleaners, glue, orange paint, yellow feathers, orange foam, yellow foam cozy, scissors, paintbrush
- Paint soda cap orange. Let dry. Glue onto cozy.
- Cut a beak upper and lower from orange foam craft. Glue one around the top of the cap and one around the bottom of the cap. Let dry.
- Cut 2 duck feet from the orange foam and glue it on the bottom of the cozy.
- Cut the yellow pipe cleaners in half. Glue one feather onto each pipe cleaner. Let dry. Glue the feathers onto the back of the cozy.
- Glue smaller feathers on the side for wings.
- Sunflower Vase: Cylindrical potato chip can, construction paper(green and yellow), glue, pipe cleaners(black and green), pencil, ribbon, scissors, small, plain paper plate, sunflower seeds with shells, transparent tape, stick without leaves
- Clean the inside of the potato chip can.
- Glue green construction paper around the can to make the vase.
- Use a pencil to trace your child's hand 6-8 times onto yellow construction paper.
- Cut out the handprints, then glue them onto the paper plate to make a sunflower. Glue them around in layers. Bending them inwards.
- Bend black pipe cleaner into a circle and glue to center of sunflower. Glue the seeds inside the pipe cleaner circle.
- Twist pipe cleaner around the stick, leaving enough room at the top to tape or glue the sunflower.
- Tape or glue sunflower to stick, then place in flower vase.
- Surround the base of the stick with newspaper or tissue paper so the flower stand up tall.
- Tie ribbon around the top of the vase.
- Sunflower Pom Pom Magnet: Pom Poms (1" Orange, 5 mm Yellow), 5 mm googlie eyes, yellow and orange foam craft, magnet, black pipe cleaner
- Cut out a sun shape out of the yellow foam. Make sure to have several points around the sun.
- Cut out little orange triangles and glue them by the points.
- Glue the orange pom pom into the middle of the sun. Let dry.
- Glue eyes onto the orange pom pom.
- Make a little pair of sunglasses to go over the eyes. Just make 2 little loops out of the black pipe cleaner.
- Glue magnet onto back of sun.
- RAINBOW: Cardboard egg carton(cut in half lengthwise making a strip of 6 cups), Construction paper scraps of 6 different colors (red, yellow, blue, green, purple, and black), 1 pipe cleaner, black marker or crayon, glue, piece of yarn (12"-16" long)
- Children cut out one circle from each colored sheet of the construction paper. The circles can be drawn on the paper to make is easier for younger children.
- Children glue one circle on each hump of the upside-down egg carton strip.
- Children bend the pipe cleaner in half and insert it to make the antennae in the first egg cup.
- Children draw eyes on the first egg cup.
- Make a small hole in the front of the first cup for the string.
- Children push a piece of yarn through the hole in the front of the first egg cup. The yarn is knotted and it makes a pulling handle.
- Thread the tube game: Cardboard tube, paint(yellow and green), yellow yarn, large button, scissors,
- Decorate a bathroom tissue tube anyway you like. Like green and yellow stripes going down.
- Punch a hole near one end of the tube.
- Get a piece of yarn that is 12"-18"long. Tie one end through the hole in the tube and the other end to a large button.
- To play, hold the tube in an upright position. Swing, the button in an upward motion, trying to get it to go into the tube.
- Leap Frog:
- Have the kids line up single file. Everyone must squat down close to the ground.
- On "go," the last player jumps over the line of squatting player, one at a time. (Be sure there is enough room between players!)
- When he reaches the front of the line, he squats down there. Then the next player from the back starts "leaping the frogs."
- Continue until the original "leaper" is again at the end of the line. You can also continue if you want.
- Red Light, Green Light:
- One player is chosen to be IT. The others line up single file about 20 feet away.
- IT turns his back to the group and says "green light." The players in line start running toward "IT". Meanwhile IT counts quickly to 10. Then he calls "red light" and whirls around.
- The players must freeze when they hear "red light." If IT sees anyone moving, he sends him back to the starting line.
- The game continues until a player gets close enough to tag IT before he can call "red light." This player is then the new IT.
- Discovering Green: Paint(yellow and blue), clear plastic container with lid, yellow and blue cellophane (or colored plastic wrap) shapes, 9" x 12" white construction paper, glue, green construction paper, markers
- Pour some yellow and then blue paint into a clear plastic container. Secure the container with a lid.
- Have your child the container and have them observes what happens to the color.
- Give each child a piece of white construction paper and ask them to glue yellow and blue cellophane shapes to the paper, making sure they overlap some of the shapes.
- Mount the cellophane pictures on green construction paper and display.
- Using the appropriate colored markers, label the display Yellow + Blue = Green.
Activity Worksheets, Coloring Pages and Flash Cards at first-school
- Color Collages: Green and Yellow pictures from magazines or newspapers, thin cardboard, glue, glitter(Green and yellow)
- Glue all Green pictures on a piece of cardboard.
- Cut out the letters GREEN out of the newspaper or magazine and glue on top of pictures. Add a bit of glue over the top to add green glitter.
- Do the same thing for the Yellow pictures.
- If you want you can just add the green and yellow pictures together too.
- Add yarn to the back for hanging up if you want.
GREEN: Peas, broccoli, lettuce, cucumber, pear, celery, pickles
YELLOW: Bananas, mac-n-cheese, cheese, corn, lemons, lemonade
YELLOW: Bananas, mac-n-cheese, cheese, corn, lemons, lemonade
- Word of the day:
- IS
- Practice this word and yesterday's day IN with today's word.
- Make up sentences with this word. Like: The sky is blue. The cat is up the tree.
- Word Practice: Index cards, markers, scissors
- On an each index card, write a simple 3 or 4 letter word, leave spaces in-between each letter. Like cat, hat, dog, ball, tall. Then put squares around each letter.
- Then cut up blank index cards like the squares on the other index cards. Then right the letters that are in the words onto each blank square, to make word tiles. So for dog, you will need a D O G.
- Then mix up the tiles(letters). Have your child try to find the right letters to put on the index cards.
- The Doghouse Math: Small, clean milk cartons, craft sticks, glue, crayons or markers, construction paper
- Cut off the top portion of the milk carton and glue construction paper to cover the remaining sides.
- Decorate your milk cartons to look like doghouses. Label the front of one carton with an addition sign, another with a subtraction sign, and the remaining carton with the words "Pet Number Sticks."
- Turn your craft sticks into dogs or cats and number each stick from 1-10 at the bottom.
- Use the craft sticks to practice addition and subtraction by using the numbers written on the bottom of the sticks.
- Sock Sort: 4 0r 5 pairs of socks
- Mix up the socks and spread them out on the floor.
- Count how many socks there are.
- Pick one sock and find the one that matches it for a pair. Now match up the others until your child has used up all the socks. How many pairs do you end up with?
- The next time someone in your family does the laundry, ask your child if they can help sort all the socks. They can sort them out in colors first, like a white pile, red pile, etc. Which socks do you have the most of? The Least of?
- Make sure to have your child play their guitar, while singing
- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
- Little Ducks Songs
Nursery Rhyme:
Daffy-down-dilly has come to town In a yellow petticoat and a green gown. Star Light Star Bright |
The first star I see tonight,
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.
- Colors by Tana Hoban
- Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni
- Red Day, Green Day by Edith Kunhardt
- Green Bear by Alan Rogers
- Growing Colors by Bruce McMillian
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