Supply Week List
- Monday: 3-liter soda bottle, masking tape, colored plastic tape, 42-ounce oatmeal container, black paint, light-colored construction paper, markers, string, pencil, corrugated cardboard, felt, green pipe cleaners; shoe box, and lid, poster board, yarn; cardboard tube, craft sticks, yarn, paint, lightweight cardboard or foam paper, glue, plastic-foam ball, plastic eyes, pipe cleaners; small box, stapler, paint, cardboard, feathers, cork, piece of plastic, seeds, money, beans, buttons, pinecones, go fish game, gold candy coins, wrapping paper tubes, large paperclip, dish sponges
- Tuesday: Egg carton, blue yarn, construction paper, glue, blue paint, magnets, markers or paints, crepe paper or tissue paper, gogglie eyes, craft sticks; 2 containers(same thing), funnel, fine sand, large paper cups, food coloring(green, blue and yellow food coloring), plastic spoons, paper towels, glass bottle with cork or jar with lid, bamboo skewers; three 6" paper plates, 2 small black pom-poms, white chalk, pencil, glue; tape, yarn; bracelets, rings, cups, milk carton rings, pipe cleaners
- Thursday: Newspaper, small and large paper cup, paper plates, tape, glue, scissors, paints, sequins, buttons, gogglie eyes, flour, balloon, egg carton, masking tape; pencil, tracing paper, thin card, black felt-tipped pen, foam(aquarmine, blue and bright pink foam paper, silver sequins; empty water gallon jug, markers, yarn, tape; empty plastic water bottles, paper, pencil, magazines and/or store ads
- Friday: Box with a clear plastic cover, paints, construction paper, markers, clear plastic drinking straw; paper plates, scissors, stapler, paint, blue and red felt, 2 egg cartons, gogglie eyes, red, blue and black foam paper, pipe cleaners, 2 white pom poms, newspaper, string or yarn, gogglie eyes, computer paper tear-off edges, glue, crayons or markers; small plastic soda bottle with cap; blue food coloring, clear baby oil, a spoon, a few trinkets(shells, plastic fish, boats,treasure chest), empty plastic juice bottles or water bottles, blue bed-sheet, goggles, 1 twin size sheet, preferably blue, precut pictures of animals and mammals that live in the sea, cardboard, construction paper, pencil
Snack/Food Ideas:
- Goldfish crackers, gummy fish and whales like nemo, cracker whales, fish, swedish fish, blue fruit punch, swedish fish, straws, shell macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, mixed vegetables
- Just Grandma and Me by Mercer Mayer
- Sea Animals by Dorling Kindersley
- The Fish Who Could Wish by John Bush
- Ocean Alphabet Book by Jerry Pallotta
- When the Tide is Low by Sheila Cole
- Sammy the Seal by Syd Hoff
- Greyling by Jane Yolen
- Swimmy by Leo Lionni
- Baby Beluga by Raffi
- Going on a Whale Watch by Bruce McMillian
- One Sun by Bruce McMillian
- Whale and Dolphin by Vincent Serventy
- The Several Tricks of Edgar Dolphin by Nathaniel Benchley
- Whales by Laura Bour
- The Whales' Song by Dyan Sheldon
- I Was All Thumbs by Bernard Waber
- The Rainbow Fish Book Series by Marcus Phister
- Little Mermaid 1 and 2
- Nemo
- Shark Tale
- The Incredible Mr. Limpet
- Ponyo (check out my sister's website www.coupongeek.net for a printable coupon $10 off BluRay DVD Combo on the movie, which comes out March 2, 2010)
Wacky Wednesday:
Dramatic Play
- Large, brown grocery bags, scissors, string or yarn, markers, crayons, paints, buttons, glue, paper plates, pencil, elastic cord, construction paper, glitter, hole puncher, feathers, pipe cleaners, wide craft sticks, cotton balls, small and large pom poms, foam craft paper, velcro, check box, toilet paper tube, sequins, jewels, white bags, stapler, plastic wrap, paper bowl, egg cartons
Bake/Cook/Make Day Saturday:
Goin' Fishin' Cupcakes:
- 1 box Betty Crocker SuperMoist cake mix
- 1 container(1 lb) Betty Crocker Rick and Creamy vanilla frosting
- Blue food coloring
- 24 cocktail straws
- 24 pieces of red licorice string
- 24 fish fruit snacks
Vegetable Pizza:
- 2 (8-oz.) cans Pillsbury Refrigerated Crescent Dinner Rolls
- 1 (8-oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1 teaspoon dried dill weed
- 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 cup small fresh broccoli florets
- 1/3 cup quartered cucumber slices
- 1 Italian plum tomato, seeded, chopped
- 1/4 cup shredded carrot
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