Nick Jr.

MTV Networks, Inc.

Monday, March 15, 2010

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Shell Week: Weekly Supply List

There Was An Old Lady Who Swallowed A Shell Week
Supply List

Bleach, seashells and dried starfish, Mod Podge glue, paintbrush, glitter in assorted colors, wooden frame, foam paintbrush, craft glue, hot-glue gun, 25 mini dried starfish or small shells, oatmeal box, construction paper, string or heavy yarn, hammer and nail, wooden spoons, paint, empty spiral shell, coarse sandpaper, sand, cake pan, seashells, package of plaster of paris, plastic bowl, plastic spoon, empty upright tissue box, tape, scissors, thin cardboard(empty cereal box), stapler, craft sticks, polystyrene foam ball, feathers, felt, foam paper, sand, paper cups, dry tempera paint(colors of your choice), pencil, brush, clear glue, newspaper

Large Scallop Shell, plaster of paris, bleach, clear glass jar with a tight-fitting jar, seashells and dried starfish, blue food coloring, vegetable oil, hot-glue gun, clear plastic bowl, baby powder, dry beach sand, screen strainer, plate, magnifying glass, cardboard tube, paint or paper, string, yarn or ribbon, seashells, wide masking or colored electrical tape, plastic wrap, hole puncher, yarn

Large paper cups, fine sand, food coloring(green, blue, yellow), glass bottle with cork or jar with lid, bamboo skewers, terra-cotta flowerpots, acrylic paints, craft glue or hot glue gun, shells, starfish, sand, cake mix, icing, foil parasol, colored sugar, handful of sand, sheet of dark paper, magnifying glass, large shallow cake pan, drinking straw, paper plate, markers, stapler or tape, cardboard, gogglie eyes, yarn

Box frame, shells, paint, yellow card stock, glue, small box with lid, assorted shells and starfish, pair of tweezers, egg, cold metal bowl, kitchen whisk, small peanut butter jar, salt, colored chalk, medium-size-mouth jar with a leak-proof lid, nonwater-soluble, clear drying glue, extra-long tweezers, glitter flakes, bleach
Wacky Wednesday:
Grocery Store
  • Expired coupons, old store ads, empty boxes(cereal, pudding, juice, pasta, cake or brownie, tea, etc), empty containers(spices, egg, shampoo, bubbles, butter, yogurt, plastic peanut butter jar, oatmeal, water, etc.), Cardboard box(use as counter, shelving units), construction paper, markers, shopping bags, plastic bottles, tape, coins(poker chips or cardboard), purse or wallet, small child's apron, basket or shopping cart, calculator, small shoe box, cardboard, TP tubes, small square cardboard jewelry box, tape, glue, empty paper towel tube, stryofoam(fits on top of paper towel tube), glue gun, paint,  can get cardboard grocery store or house at places like kmart, walmart, menards, craft places(kids get to color them and play inside them), for a shopping cart(use something like a play stroller or push toy, something with wheels and use cardboard to build a cart with duct tape to hold it up and dowel rods)
Bake/Cook/Make Day Saturday:
Royal(Icing) Sand Castle
  • 1 box graham crackers, knife, cake icing in 2 or 3 colors, freezer bags, 1 box sugar ice cream cones, glue, toothpick, colored sugar, assorted candies or gummies, fruit roll-ups


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