Nick Jr.

MTV Networks, Inc.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Thirsty For Knowledge Thursday! Week 1 : September 17 Numbers 1 & 2

Thursdays will add an additional educational learning to the end of each week.


Supplies Needed For All ProjectsIndex cards, foam book, cardboard pieces ( 2  8x10 pieces), glue, pictures, card stock, foam piece, construction paper, pom poms, yarn, colored markers, crayons, foam numbers and letters.

Number Books: 

Supplies Needed:  Foam book, foam letters and numbers
  • Take a foam book and put foam numbers 1 and 2 on the front, along with spelling out one and two with foam letters on the front. 
  •  Write 1 on first page, 2 on second page, one on third page and two on fourth page and repeat. 
  • Its just like the foam word books, we have made so far. 
  •  Remember you can make your own with foam pieces, writing paper and yarn.
  • Also remember to practice spelling, reading, writing and counting these new words along with the other words all ready learning.

Picture Book:

Supplies Needed: Foam piece, 5-6 pieces of card stock paper, yarn, pictures
  • Make a big foam book like we did with the story book. 
  • On the front you could write like: (Your child's name) first number book
  • On the first page put the following on top in the middle of the page.   1 (make sure its big enough)
  • Then a little bit below the number 1 put the spelling of the number 1 (One).
  • Then directly below the word one put a picture of any one item like a toy, flower, or animal  (make sure it is one item.)
  • What is really neat to use for all this is foam letters, letters and pictures.
  • On the second page do what you did with the first page expect use the number 2/two and a picture of 2 items like 2 toys, 2 flowers, or 2 animals.
  • If you didn't want to use foam numbers or letters, you can use puff paint or write it in glitter glue.  Just something extra to draw their attention to it. 
  • Use can also try to use pictures that the children relate to.  Like for my daughter she loves dinosaurs so I used her favorite dinosaur for the pictures.
  • The rest of the pages will be for weeks to come when they will be learning more numbers.

Memory Game:

Supplies Needed:  2  8x10 Cardboard pieces, glue, pictures, markers

  • Make your own memory game.
  • First cut the cardboard into two or three inch squares, just like in the game of memory. 
  • Write the numbers 1 on two different pieces and the same with the number 2.
  • Then write the word one on two different pieces and the same with the word two.
  • Then glue 2 identical pictures of one item on two different squares.
  • Also, glue 2 identical pictures of two items on two different squares.
  • You could have several different picture squares to make it more fun.
  • For the numbers and words squares you could change the color of the writing to a different color. When they turn the cards over they must be able to match not only the number but the right color too.
  • When you have finished getting your cards together, place all the cards upside down so your child can't see any numbers, words, or pictures.
  • Then have them turn over two tiles only to see if they match.  If they match they get to have another turn.  If they do not match they turn over the cards and let the next player try. 
  • The one with the most matches wins. 
  • They can also play the game by themselves if they want. When playing the game with others it teaches them how to take turns.
  • If you do not have any cardboard try using something else that might be thick, like card-stock or an empty cereal box.
Pom Pom Numbers:

Supplies Needed: Construction Paper, Marker, Pom Poms, Glue
  • Take a piece of paper and write the number 1 real big, taking up 3/4 of the paper
  • Then let the child glue pom poms on the number.
  • Then do the same for the number 2.
  • Hang the pictures up for the children to see them often.  The more they see something the more they can absorb it.
  • If you don't have pom poms try using pasta shells.

Index Cards:
  • Place the number 1 on a card, word one on a card, a picture of one item and two items on cards. 
  • Add these cards with the your other index word cards.
  • Remember to add the numbers and words to your key chain card holder
  • Also you can begin a little math here too.  Write on a card 1+1 = ?  on the other side have a picture of two items and the number 2 written out.
  • You can start teaching math to your child now and they won't even know it. 
  • Find two items, like 2 toys.
  • Write on a piece of paper 1+1=2.
  • Then show them the two items.
  • You have one and give the other to your child
  • Then explain that you have one toy and they have one toy.  Lets put them together and see how many we have now.
  • Then explain there are two toys now.  So, one (pick up a toy, plus one(pick up the other toy) equals two then put them together in your hand.
  • Now let your child do the same thing you did.
  • Next, show them the piece of paper that you wrote 1+1=2.  Explain what you wrote.
  • Have your child try to write the same thing you did. 
  • Go around the house or yard, with your child and find items that you can do the same with. 
Other Great Learning Items:
  • Window Markers:  I let my child use window markers on my sliding glass door.  They easy to wipe off and fun to use.  Just make sure your child knows to only use it on the glass.
  • Soap Crayons: Taking a bath is another great opportunity to teach your child stuff.  Let your child write there words and numbers on the tub wall.  My child learned very quickly this way.  Its lots of fun to play in the water and they are learning at the same time and don't even now it. 
  • Count your child's fingers and toes with them and then let them count yours.
  • Ask them questions throughout the day.  How many eyes or ears do you have?  What is 1+1=?

Number Printable Websites:




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