Thursdays will add an additional educational learning to the end of each week.
Supplies Needed For Today's Projects: Index Cards, 2 duplicate pictures of items 5 and 6, 7 8x10 Cardboard Pieces or Empty Cereal Boxes, 2 duplicate pictures of items of 5 and 6 Foam Book, Blank Pieces Of Paper, Scissors, Markers, baseball card sleeves, pictures, 3 ring binder, yarn, black marker, and plastic canvas needle.
Number Books:
- This week add the numbers 5 and 6 to your number books.
- Remember to write 5 on the first page, 6 on the second page, five on the third page, and six on the fourth page and repeat with the rest of the pages.
Picture Books:
- On the fifth page put the following on top in the middle of the page. 5 (make sure its big enough)
- Then a little bit below the number 5 put the spelling of the number 5(Five).
- Then directly below the word one put a picture of any Five items like a toy, flower, or animal (make sure it is five items).
- What is really neat to use for all this is foam letters, letters and pictures.
- On the sixth page do what you did with the fifth page except use the number 6, the word six and a picture of 6 items like 6 toys, 6 flowers, or 6 animals.
Index Cards:
- Place the number 5 on a card, word five on a card, a picture of five items
- Also write the number 6 on card, word six on a card, and a picture of six items.
- Add these cards with the your other index word cards.
- Remember to add the numbers and words to your key chain card holder
- Remember to keep on teaching your kid's math. Here's an example: Write on a card 3+2 = ? on the other side have a picture of five items. And the number five written out. Try not to go above = 6. Keep it real simple.
Identifying Objects:
- Find pictures of different objects, and place them in groups, only up to six objects.
- Below each picture write 3 numbers, one being how many objects are in that group.
- Then have your child circle the right number of objects in each picture.
- For example, You could have a picture of 5 bugs, 5 toys, 5 leaves, or 5 acorns. And below the pictures are the number 3 4 5.
Picture Card Pages
This is to help your child to identify different objects.
Supplies Needed: Plastic baseball card holders(has 9 squares on each sheet). Can be found in the baseball card section at Wal-mart. Several pictures of different objects, a 3 ring binder, tape(that you can write on)
- First cut several pictures out of magazines, newspapers, grocery store ads,old books. Cut them so they fit into the card slots.
- Next put the pictures into the slots. Try to put all fruits on one page, vegetables on another, animals in another and so on.
- You may place a piece of tape that you can write on, to write the name of the object under it.
- Place the plastic sleeves into the 3 ring folder.
Number Sewing:
- On a 8 x 10 piece of cardboard or very study paper, write the number 1. Taking up about 3/4 of the cardboard.
- Then take a hole puncher and make hole in the number one about a half inch apart.
- Next, let your child thread a piece a yarn through each hole. They can use a plastic canvas needle if they want.
- You may do this for numbers 2-6 too.
- Keep the cardboard pieces for your child to sew later.
Great Games:
- My First Uno
- The Very Hungry Card Game
- A Little Golden Book 1 2 3 Counting Card Game
- Dominos
- Yahtzee
- For some great workbooks check out the dollar tree or the dollar section at Target.
One Potato, Two Potato
One potato, two potato
Three potato, four potato
Five potato, six potato
Seven potato more.
Five Fat Peas
A counting fingerplay especially
useful in the spring and summer.
Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed
(children hold hand in a fist)
One grew, two grew, so did all the rest.
(put thumb and fingers up one by one)
They grew and grew
(raise hand in the air very slowly)
And did not stop,
Until one day
The pod went POP!
(children clap hands together)
This poem and several others click here
A counting fingerplay especially
useful in the spring and summer.
Five fat peas in a pea pod pressed
(children hold hand in a fist)
One grew, two grew, so did all the rest.
(put thumb and fingers up one by one)
They grew and grew
(raise hand in the air very slowly)
And did not stop,
Until one day
The pod went POP!
(children clap hands together)
This poem and several others click here
For some great teaching number poems click here:
For Some Number songs click here
More number songs click here
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