Nick Jr.

MTV Networks, Inc.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thirsty For Knowledge Thursday! Week 2 : September 24 : Number 3 & 4

Thursdays will add an additional educational learning to the end of each week.

Supplies Needed For Today's Projects: Index Cards, 2 duplicate pictures of items 3 and 4, 1 8x10 Cardboard Piece or Empty Cereal Box, 2 duplicate pictures of items of 3 and 4 Foam Book, Blank Pieces Of Paper, Scissors, Markers

Number Books:

  • Follow the same directions as you did last week for the number books, except this time use the numbers 3 & 4.

  • Remember to write 3 on the first page, 4 on the second page, three on the third page, and four on the fourth page and repeat with the rest of the pages.

  • Also remember to practice spelling, reading, writing and counting these new words along with the other words all ready learning.

Picture Books:

  • On the third page put the following on top in the middle of the page. 3 (make sure its big enough)
  • Then a little bit below the number 3 put the spelling of the number 3 (Three).
  • Then directly below the word one put a picture of any three item like a toy, flower, or animal (make sure it is three items).
  • What is really neat to use for all this is foam letters, letters and pictures.
  • On the fourth page do what you did with the third page expect use the number 4, the word four and a picture of 4 items like 4 toys, 4 flowers, or 4 animals.
Memory Game

  • Remember to add the numbers 3 & 4 , three & four, and the 3 & 4 items pictures to your memory game. 

  • It should make it a lot more furn with more cards now.
Pasta Shell Numbers:
  • On a piece of construction paper, write a big number 3.
  • Then let your child glue pasta shells onto the number 3.
  • Do the same for the number 4.
Index Cards:

  • Place the number 3 on a card, word three on a card, a picture of three items
  • Also write the number 4 on card, word four on a card, and a picture of four items.
  • Add these cards with the your other index word cards.
  • Remember to add the numbers and words to your key chain card holder
  • Also you can begin a little math here too. Here's an example: Write on a card 3+1 = ? on the other side have a picture of four items. And the number four written out.  Try not to go above = 4. Keep it simple.
  • Remember to keep teaching them the math we learned last week, just add this week's numbers.
Tracing Numbers
  • Printable work-pages click here
Color By Numbers:
  • Printable work-pages for a clown click here, for a race car click here


  • This Old Man

  • Potato Song

Description: Have children in your circle on their feet, get a beat going with a clap and a stomp & say "Get your potatoes up! And let's count!" Hold up fists (potatoes) to count with fingers up as indicated:

One potato, two potato, three potato, four!

Well, I made a batch of hot potatoes

(bend forward and stir as in a big pot)

Dropped 'em on the floor!!

(look shocked, and put hands on face in surprise)

Five potato, six potato, seven potato, eight!

So I stomped 'em into mashed potatoes

(stomp feet while walking forward a few steps and then back)

And plopped 'em on a plate

(hands out like plopping potatoes on a plate!)

Nine potato, ten potato, can't believe my eyes!

(cover and uncover eyes in surprise)

The children ate 'em up and now they want some french fries!!!

(Say to children "how many?" and march with swinging arms and stomping feet while counting...)

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 fries!

(jump up and reach over head to sky on 10)


Do the count again, faster and a third time even faster then plop back down to sitting after the last 10.
This is SO aerobic and the children love the notion of making mashed potatoes by stomping. Also intriguing to them is the faster and faster counting to ten.

For more ideas click here

  • One for the Money:
One for the money,
Two for the show,
Three to get ready,
And four to go!

  • Two Little Blackbirds:
Make two fists, then wiggle your thumbs, one for Jack and one for Jill.  Put your fish behind your back when
each flies away, then bring it back into view when the bird comes back.

Two little blackbirds sitting on a hill.
One named Jack and one named Jill
Fly away, Jack!
Fly away, Jill!
Come back, Jack!
Come back, Jill!

One for the money and two little blackbirds were found in the book : "What your preschooler needs to know", by E.D. Hirsch, Jr. and Linda Bevilacqua.


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