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MTV Networks, Inc.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

St. Patrick's Day Week: Monday

St. Patrick's Day Week

  • Frame It: Crafts sticks, glue gun, photograph, ribbon, green foam paper, embellishments
  1. Put a dab of glue on both ends of 2 sticks.  Glue them to the top of 2 additional sticks.
  2. Put a tiny pit of glue on the photograph side of each corner of the photograph and place it behind frame window.
  3. Paint frame green.  Let dry.
  4. Glue a ribbon to 2 corners at the back of the frame at the back of the frame for hanging.
  5. Add embellishments.
  • Lucky Sprouts: Compressed sponge, pencil, scissors, plate or pie pan, quick-sprout, such as cress or alfalfa, plastic wrap
  1. Cut out a shamrock shape from the compressed sponge.  Dampen the sponge so it expands, and squeeze out any extra water.  Set the sponge on the plate or pie pan, and sprinkle the seeds on top of the sponge.
  2. Your seeds should sprout in a few days if you take good care of them! During the night, cover the sponge lightly with plastic wrap to help it stay moist.  During the day place your sponge in a sunny spot, making sure the sponge stays wet(water around the sponge; do not put water directly on the seeds).
  • Lucky Leprechaun Hat: Green plastic bowl, 16" length of 1/2 wide seasonal ribbon, two 18" lengths of yarn, green construction paper, green and gold glitter, scissors, glue, paintbrush, clear acrylic spray, hole puncher
  1. Paint a coat of glue over the entire back of the bowl.
  2. Sprinkle green and gold glitter on the glue; then let it dry.
  3. To prevent the glitter from flaking off, spray the hat with clear acrylic spray.
  4. Cut out one or more small shamrocks from green paper.
  5. Squeeze a line of glue along the back of the ribbon; then arrange the ribbon around the hat to create a hatband.
  6. While the glue is still wet, tuck the stem of each shamrock between the hatband and hat.  
  7. To make ties for the hat, punch two holes in the hat brim; then tie a length of yarn to each hole. 
  • Pot O' Gold: Paper plate, paint, small pebbles, gold paint, glue, scissors, construction paper
  1. Cut a paper plate in half to form two half circles. Paint one half circle black for a pot.  Then paint some very small pebbles gold and glue them along the top of the pot to represent the gold in the pot.
  2. For a rainbow, cut out the outer rim from the second half circle and paint it with rainbow colors.  Glue one end of the rainbow to the top of the pot, then glue the whole assemblage on background paper.
  • Leprechaun Hunt: White paper, pencil, coins, thin cardboard, glue, foil, dollar bill, green construction paper, markers, black construction paper, tape, bowl
  1. Paint a bowl black or wrap it with black paper and tape on.
  2. Take some coins you may have and lay them on the table.  Then place the white paper over coins and rub a pencil over the paper to make a pattern on the paper.
  3. Then cut  out the coins and glue them to a piece of thin cardboard.  Cut them out again.
  4. You can also wrap foil around a round piece of cardboard to form coins.
  5. Place a paper bill on a sheet of green paper and trace around it.  Repeat, making as many bills as you want.  Draw a face and dollar amount on the bills and cut them out.
  6. Place play money into black pot. 
  7. Hide black pot.
  8. Cut out rainbow arches out of construction paper for hints. Tape them up around the house.  When  they find the rainbow, then you will give them  a clue where the pot is.
  9. Then have your child try to find the pot of money.
  • Rainbow Picture: White paper, crayons
  1. Have your child draw a beautiful rainbow picture.
  • Wish Sticks: Craft sticks, paint, marker, plastic cup
  1. Paint several craft sticks. Let dry
  2. On each stick, have your child write a wish they want.
  3. Place sticks in a cup.
  4. Each day, have your child draw a wish stick and see what they wished for.  See how many times they get the same wish each day.  If they get the same wish each day, then maybe it will come true.
  • Green Scrambled Eggs: Eggs, green food coloring
  • Grapes
  • Cantaloupe 
  • Green Vegetable
  • Word Of The Day: Index card, pen
  1. With
  • Word Game: Index cards, marker, glue, pictures of the words
  1. Write words onto index cards like: bear, egg, book, tree, sun, bug, bat, cat, mat, sat, hat, star, moon, eye, nose, ear, hand, on, a, the, up, down, colors(blue, green, etc.) dog, mom, dad, etc.
  2. Then glue a picture of the word by it.
  3. Then have your child make a sentence with all the words. Like a black cat sat on the mat. 
  4. See how many sentences they can come up with.
  • Math Game: Index cards, marker
  1. Write the number out on the card. (one)
  2. Next, write the number on the card too. (1)
  3. Also, put a picture on the card to represent the number like 1 square, 2 hearts, 3 triangles, etc.
  4. Make two of each number(1-9), make one each number (10-20)
  5. Then some blank cards into 4 sections.  On each section write +, -, =.
  6. Then have your child make a math sentence.  Like 2+2=4; 10+5=15.  Ask them 2+2= ?.  5+6=?
  7. Try having them do it with subtraction now.
  8. Work with your child everyday on this.
  9. My daughter who just turned 5, already knows her math.  
  10. You can also try doing with objects too.  Like 3 apples + 3 cereal boxes= ? Sometimes looking and touching objects helps with the learning process.
  • Xylophone: Shoe box, craft sticks, glue, paint, plastic-foam ball, piece of fabric, rubber bands, scissors
  1. Cut a corner of a shoe box and on of the long sides along the bottom, forming a long tab.  Push the tab forward the middle of the box.  Cut off the excess on the bottom.  Glue the edges closed.
  2. Glue three craft sticks together, ends overlapping, so that they are slightly longer than the box.  Repeat with three more sticks.
  3. Glue both long sticks to the box, then glue five craft sticks across them.
To make the striker:
  1. Glue the pointy end of a pencil into a small plastic-foam ball.  
  2. Cut out a square piece of fabric.  Wrap it around the ball, and hold it in place with a rubber band.
  3. Cut a square piece of felt.  Wrap it around the ball, and hold it in place with another rubber band.
I'm a Little Leprechaun Sung to: "I'm a little teapot"
I'm a little leprechaun
Dressed in green,
The tiniest man
That you ever seen.
If you ever catch me, it is told,
I'll give you my pot of gold!

This song and other cute songs found on preschool education.

Five Green Shamrocks 

Five green shamrocks growing outdoors
(Child's name) picked one, and that left four.

Four little shamrocks, green as they can be.
(Child's name) picked one and that left three.

Three little shamrocks playing peek-a-boo
(Child's name) picked one and that left two.

Two little shamrocks nodding in the sun,
(Child's name) picked one, and that left one.

One little shamrock for St. Patrick's Day fun.
(Child's name) picked it, and that left none.

Found at love to learn place
  • The Night Before St. Patrick's Day by Natasha Wing
  • St. Patrick's Day by Gail Gibbons
  • Hooray For St. Patrick's Day! by Joan Holub 


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