Nick Jr.

MTV Networks, Inc.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Thirsty For Knowledge Thursday! Week 5 : October 15 : Number 9 & 10

Thursdays will add an additional educational learning to the end of each week. 

Foam Number Books:
  1. This week add the numbers 9 and 10 to your number books.
  2. Remember to write 9 on the first page, 10 on the second page, nine on the third page, and ten on the fourth page and repeat with the rest of the pages.
Picture Books:

  1. On the ninth page put the following on top in the middle of the page 9(make sure its big enough)
  2. Then a little bit below the number 9 put the spelling of the number 9(Nine).
  3. Then directly below the word one put a picture of any Nine items like toys, flowers, or animals (make sure it is nine items).
  4. What is really neat to use for all this is foam letters, letters and pictures.
  5. On the tenth page do what you did with the ninth page except use the number 10, the word ten and a picture of 10 items like 10 toys, 10 flowers, or 10 animals.

Index Cards:

  • Place the number 9 on a card, word nine on a card, a picture of nine items
  • Also write the number 10 on card, word ten on a card, and a picture of ten items.
  • Add these cards with the your other index word cards.
  • Remember to add the numbers and words to your key chain card holder
  • Remember to keep on teaching  your kid's math.  Here's an example: Write on a card 9+1 = ? on the other side have a picture of ten items. And the number ten written out.  Try not to go above = 10. Keep it real simple.

Number Sewing:
  • Don't forget you can have your child sew the numbers 9 and 10.
Memory Game:
  • You and your child can now play their memory game with the numbers 9 and 10.
Fingers and Toes:
  • Ask your child how many fingers and toes they have and have them count them to you.
  • Ask them about other body parts they have like: nose, eyes, ears, bellies, arms, legs, belly button, back, chin, knees, elbows, heads, hearts.
  • Ask them about their pets or other animals there are too.


  • Find up to ten items, like 10 toys.
  • Write on a piece of paper 5+5=10.
  • Then show them the ten items.
  • You have five and give the other five to your child
  • Then explain that you have five toys and they have five toys.  Lets put them together and see how many we have now.
  • Then explain there are ten toys now.  So, five (pick up  toys, plus five(pick up the other toys) equals ten, then put them together in your hand.
  • Now let your child do the same thing you did.
  • Next, show them the piece of paper that you wrote 5+5=10.  Explain what you wrote.
  • Have your child try to write the same thing you did. 
  • Go around the house or yard, with your child and find items that you can do the same with. 
 Number Challenge:
  • Draw a set of 4 dogs.  How many would there be if you drew 2 more dogs?  Draw the dog to check. Try this for 4 cats. How about 6 rabbits?
  • Find 2 sets of toys which total 6.  Can you find 3 different ways to do this?  Now can you find 2 sets which total 7?
  • Find sets of toys and put them in different number groups.  For example: set of 3 toys, set of 5 toys, and a set of 7 toys.  Now ask your child which set has more toys in it?  Which one has less toys?
  • Get a set of cards with 1 to 10 on them.  Shuffle the 10 tens and place face down on the floor.  When they turn over each card, have them put them in a line in order, which read from 1 to 10.

  • When you go up and down stairs, count each one out loud. 
  • Play Hopscotch
  • Try doing easy exercises with your child and count them out.  For example: Sit ups, marching in place, jumping jacks, jump roping, hopping on one foot, touching their toes, etc.  I put in an exercise video or find one on tv and we exercise to that.  My daughter has a blast.
  • Dominos (Could make your own out of cardboard, if you want)
  • Deck of Cards: play go fish with numbers only; play match game with numbers too.  Don't worry about the spades, hearts, etc.
  • Uno (They have uno cards for kids with dora, clifford, and many others.)
  • Printable Worksheets: Click Here
  • Great Printable Worksheets: Click Here
  • Place 10 lunchbags or brown grocery bags on the floor and on each bag write a number starting with 1 and ending in 10.  Tell your child you want them to find items and put them in the bag.  In the number 1 bag, put one item.  In the number 2 bag, put 2 items in the bag, etc.  


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