Nick Jr.

MTV Networks, Inc.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Winter Olympics: Week 19: January 24-30

 Winter Olympics!

This year the Winter Olympics are being held in Vancouver, Canada.  
The Olympic Cauldron will be lit on February 12, 2010

What do the five rings mean?
The five interlocking rings represent five continents or major geographical areas of the world. The five main regions: Africa, the Americas (North and South America are combined), Asia, Europe and Oceania. As it says in the Olympic Charter, the five-ringed symbol "represents the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from throughout the world at the Olympic Games." The colors of the rings represent the flags of the countries that participate in the Olympics. Every flag of a country participating in the Olympics includes at least one of the following colors: blue, black, red, yellow, and green. (answer from the Wiki website)

Crafts :
  • Flag holders: Paper towel roll, crayons or markers, construction paper, scissors, glue, paper cup

  1. Wrap paper towel rolls and cups with construction paper. Decorate if you want.
  2. Make flags(5"across and 3" down).  Make USA, Canada and other countries if you want.
  3. Glue the flags(from below) to the poles. 
  4. Then cut a hole in the bottom of the cup large enough to fit the flagpole.

  • Flag: Construction paper, crayons, markers, scissors, glue, string, stapler
  1. Cut out a rectangle to make the flag (5"across and 3" down).  Make sure to have an additional 1" margin across, to wrap round yarn. 
  2. Make a USA flag.  With the red and white strips and blue section with white stars.
  3. Make a Canadian flag or others if you want too.
  4. Fold the 1"margin over a piece of  string and securing with staples or glue.
  • Ice Olympic Rings: 5 butter lids, water, food coloring, glitter, sequins, string, cardboard, hot glue
  1. Take scissors and cut out an 1" spot out of the side of each lid.  On three of the lids cut out 2 1" spots across from each other.  
  2. Then glue the lids onto the cardboard piece.  Make sure they all connect and the holes line up together.  This will form an Olympic Symbol.  
  3. Then add water and a couple drops of food coloring in each ring trying to make it look like an olympic symbol.  You can add glitter and sequins too of the same colors.
  4. Add a piece of yarn, folded in half, to each circle for hanging.  
  5. Then place in freezer or outside if its cold enough to freeze.  Make sure you don't have any animals outside, otherwise they will drink it.
  6. After its frozen, remove from lids and hang outside.  
  7. If you want a ring, you can glue something in the middle of each lid, like a milk lid, and when you remove it, you will have rings.
  • Winter Sun Catcher: Round cake pan, ribbon, plastic cup, ice cube tray,water, food coloring
  1. Add water to ice cube trays and add food coloring to each one.  Then let them freeze.
  2. Put a plastic cup in the middle of a round cake pan.  
  3. Add the frozen ice cubes to the cake pan.  Fill with water to the top.
  4. Freeze again.  When frozen, remove the ring from the cake pan.  
  5. Place a ribbon through the hole, tie it and hang outside.
  • Flag: Cardboard tube, paint or construction paper, yarn or pipe cleaner, fabric or felt, scissors, glue, hole puncher
  1. Have your child glue construction paper around the tube or paint the tube.
  2. Each child designs his own flag and glues the flag to the cardboard tube.
  • Star Wreath: Dinner-sized paper plate, scissors, construction paper(red,white, blue), glue, various other materials(aluminum foil, stickers, glitter, ribbon, scraps of fabric, cardboard
  1. Cut out the center of the paper plate, leaving a 2" rim.  Your circle doesn't have to be perfect because it is the base of the wreath and will be covered up with other materials.
  2. Cut out different sized red, white and blue stars.  Give your wreath extra dimension by covering shapes with foil or fabric and layering them.  Add even more pizzazz with ribbons or glitter.  Glue the shapes to the paper-plate circle, covering it completely.  You could also decorate with stickers or drawings of patriotic symbols, such as flags, eagles, Uncle Sam, and the Liberty Bell.
  3. Poke a hole or two in the top of the paper circle and tie on a piece of ribbon for a hanger.  Adjust the length according to where you intend to place the wreath.  
  • Paper Plate Olympic Symbol: 5 dinner sized paper plate, Paint(black, yellow, blue, green, red), glue, hole puncher, yarn, tape
  1. For the symbol, cut out the insides of 5 dinner-sized sturdy plates.  Put the insides aside and use later for the Number Toss in Activity Section. 
  2. Paint or color the rings-one each of red, green, blue, gold, and black.  Or use paper plates of different colors.  
  3. Make one neat cut in each rim so you can interlock them.  Then tape the rings back together on the back side.  
  • Olympic Medals: Paper plates, Paint(gold, silver, bronze), glue, glitter, tape, ribbons
  1. Paint small paper plates gold, silver, and bronze.  Put glue in the shape of a star and sprinkle on glitter.
  2. Tape ribbons on the back of the medals.  You can add gold paint on the edges of the ribbons to add more flare.  You'll probably want to have more than one set of medals.  
  • Red, White and Blue Wreath: Plastic-foam egg carton, tissue paper(red and blue), foil stars or construction paper, ribbon, yarn, glue, stapler
  1. Remove the lid from the egg carton and discard.  Cut the cup section of the carton in half the long way, so you have two six-cup rows.
  2. Staple the two six-cup sections together, end to end, with the open part of the cups facing out.  This will make a circle.  Add some glue or staples between each cup to help hold them together.
  3. Crumple a piece of tissue paper into a ball, and glue the ball into an egg cup.  Fill each of the twelve cups in this manner.
  4. Decorate the outside of the cups with foil stars or stars cut from construction paper.  Glue a ribbon to the bottom of the wreath.  Tie a yarn hanger to the top, and hang on a door or wall.
  • Glitter Snowflake: Construction paper, craft sticks, glitter, string or yarn, glue
  1. Cut a 4-inch-by-4-inch piece of construction paper.  Fold the paper in half three times to form a square.  Cut tiny notches out of the edges of the small square, being careful not to cut all the folds away.  
  2. Unfold the square to reveal your snowflake.
  3. Glue craft sticks around the snowflake to form a frame.  
  4. Apply a fine layer of glue to the ornament, then add glitter.  Let dry.  
  5. Then add a string or yarn hanger.
  • Stair-Step Swirl: Paint(red, white, blue), craft sticks, thin ribbon
  1. Paint eight sticks in red, eight sticks in white, and eight sticks in blue--front and back.  Let dry.
  2. Select one craft stick of each color.  Put a dab of glue at the center of one craft stick.  Form an X with the second stick at the glue point.  Close the X until the sticks just slightly overlap.
  3. Repeat the process with each of the remaining sticks, making the red, white and blue pattern.
  4. Before you put the last stick in place, slip a length of ribbon in between the last two sticks.  Knot the ribbon, and let dry.
  • Star Banners: Paint(red, white, blue), four craft sticks, tissue paper or poster board(red, white, blue), yarn or ribbon
  1. Paint four craft sticks blue.  
  2. Glue the sticks together to form an eight-pointed star.
  3. Add red and white tissue-paper or poster-board streamers to the lower half of the star points.  Glue white stars on the end of each paint.
  4. Add a piece of red yarn or ribbon hanger.
  5. Can also add glitter, stickers or beads to your banners too.
  • Olympic Day Plaque: Craft sticks, yarn or pipe cleaner, construction paper(black, yellow, blue, green, red),  star and flag sequins
  1. Apply glue on the back of two craft sticks.  Lay them about 3 inches apart. 
  2. Place about ten craft sticks side by side across the two sticks, with no spaces showing.  Let dry.
  3. Cut out a circle, with a hole in the middle, out of each color black, yellow, blue, green and red.)  Glue the circles onto the craft sticks, interlocking them.  
  4. Glue star sequins down each side of the plaque.  
  5. Glue a flag to the bottom on the two sticks, you started with in 1.
  6. Glue a piece of yarn or chenille stick bent into a V shape to the back of the sign as a hanger.
  • Sleds: Six craft sticks, felt or other trims, glitter markers or paint, ribbon
  1. Line up five sticks side by side.  The middle it the tallest, then the next ones are a little taller than the ones next to them.  Just a little bit.
  2. Spread glue across the back of the remaining stick.  Place it across the five sticks about 1" inch from the tip of the center stick.  Let dry.
  3. Decorate your sled wit felt or other trims.  Write your name or family member on the center stick.  Use glitter or paint the sticks your favorite color.
  4. Add a ribbon hanger.
  5. Add runners by stacking and gluing three sticks underneath the sled on both sides.
  • Olympic Medal Picture Holder: White poster board, pictures, clear glitter, ribbon(red, white and blue together), notebook ring, paint(gold, silver, bronze), glue, contact paper
  1. Cut three circles from white poster board. Paint one gold, silver, bronze.  Let dry.
  2. Cut out pictures of your children or your child, mom and dad (make them smaller than the circle, so you have a frame left around picture and glue them to medals.  Press the picture in the center, and sprinkle the rest of the circle with clear glitter.
  3. Cut a long strip of ribbon.  Cut a triangle shape from the bottom end to make two points.
  4. Staple the top end of the ribbon into a loop.  Put a notebook ring through the loop.
  5. Glue the three pictures to the ribbon.  You can put velcro on the back of the pictures and the ribbon so you can change out the pictures.
  • Old Glory Collage: White construction paper, magazines, cardboard, twine or yarn, glue
  1. Cut a square of white construction paper to mark off the blue section on the flag. (Do not glue it to the cardboard.)
  2. Glue red pictures from the magazines over the cardboard.  Stop at the upper left-hand corner where the blue section will be.
  3. Cover another sheet of white of white paper with white pictures.  Cut the paper into six white strips.  Glue them to the flag.  If the strips are too short, cut more strips to add to them.
  4. Cover the white square with blue pictures cut from the magazines.  Trim the edges.  Glue the blue square to the upper-left hand corner.
  5. Cut thirteen stars from yellow pictures.  Glue the stars in a circle on the blue square.  Glue the ends of a piece of twine on the back.
  • Crossword Flag Mosaic: Blank crossword puzzle, Crayons(red, white, blue), construction paper, glue, yarn

  1. Create a flag design or any design on the crossword puzzle.  Just have your child color in the squares.  
  2. Glue the crossword puzzle onto a piece of construction paper.
  3. Glue a piece of yarn to the back of the construction paper for hanging.

  • Olympic Medal Bookmark: Ribbon, thin cardboard(cereal box), paint(gold, silver, bronze), glitter, glue

  1. Trace around a small drinking glass on a piece of thin cardboard and make six circles.  
  2. Cut the six circles out. Paint two circles gold, two silver and two bronze.
  3. Make a design with the glue and add glitter to the glue. Designs like stars, olympic rings, the year 2010, etc.
  4. Cut a 15-inch piece of ribbon.  Fold the ribbon in half, and glue the circles together back to back, with the fold of the ribbon in between them.

  • Olympic Noisemaker: Hole puncher, two identical margarine tubs, small pebbles or beans, ribbon(black, yellow(gold), blue, green, red), sticker stars, dowel
  1. Punch eight holes, evenly spaces, around the rims of both tubs.
  2. Put some pebbles or beans in one of the tubs.
  3. Turn the second tub over so that the rim of the first tub touches the rim of the second and the holes are lined up across from each other as close as possible.  Thread yarn or ribbon through each set of holes, and tie in a knot.  Let the ends hang loose for a festive look.
  4. Decorate the outside with some sticker stars or other decorations.
  5. If you want, poke a hole in the bottom of the noisemaker, and add a dowel handle.  Add hot glue around the dowel to hold in place.  You can do this before you add the pebbles on the inside and hot glue the dowel inside too.  Make sure to let it dry, before you add the pebbles or beans.
  • Olympic Wind Chime: Cardboard toilet paper tube, construction paper, hot glue gun, heavy bead, crystal, or disc, markers, stickers or other embellishments, metal chimes, wooden dowel (size of tube), cording or yarn
  1. Dab a tiny bit of glue on each end of the dowel and insert horizontally into the top of the tube so that it fits snugly.
  2. Cover tube with construction paper and decorate with markers, stickers, or any other embellishments. Make the olympic rings around the tube.  
  3. Hang metal chimes from dowel so that they are hidden inside the tube.
  4. Tie length of cording to the dowel so that it hangs through the tube, then the bead, crystal, or disc.
  5. Tie another length of cording to hang the wind chime from.
  6. Hang chime in a doorway or open window to let the breeze make music for you.
  • Olympic Kaleidoscope: 2 cardboard paper towel tubes, aluminum foil, glue, craft jewel or beads(black, yellow, blue, green, red), flat cardboard, heavy construction paper, pencil, plastic wrap, ruler, scissors, clear tape
  1. Measure and cut construction paper to 4 1/2" (11.4 cm) wide by the original length of the paper.
  2. Measure and fold the strip of paper lengthwise into three equal parts, so that each portion is 1 1/2"(3.8 cm).
  3. Glue aluminum foil to the construction paper, and reinforce the folds.  This should create an equilateral (meaning all sides are the same length) triangle.  Make sure the aluminum foil is facing inside the triangular tunnel.
  4. Slip the triangular tunnel inside the cardboard tube.
  5. Trace the cardboard tube on the piece of flat cardboard and cut out.
  6. Cut a small hole in the cardboard circle to create the viewfinder.  You might be more comfortable asking a grown-up to help you.
  7. Glue or tape the circle to one end of your cardboard tube.
  8. Cut the second cardboard tube to 2"(5.1 cm) long.
  9. Cover one end of this short piece with transparent tape, so the sticky side faces inside the tube.
  10. Fill the tube halfway full with craft jewels and/or beads.   Some of the jewels should stick to the tape and some will flow free.  This will make for better viewing.
  11. Cover the open end of the 2"(5.1 cm) tube with plastic wrap, with secure with clear tape.
  12. Tape the 2"(5.1 cm) tube to the base of the longer tube to create kaleidoscope.
  13. Decorate with additional construction paper by making Olympic Rings up and down or swirled around the tube.
  14. For the best viewing, point the base of your kaleidoscope to the sky to let light come through the jewel chamber.
  • Olympic Bottle Cap Frame: 20 plastic bottle caps, cardboard(cereal box), yarn, glue and hot glue, paint(black, yellow, blue, green, red)
  1. Paint the bottle caps 4 of each color. Let dry. 
  2. Cut a rectangle shape out of the cardboard piece.
  3. Glue the caps around the cardboard piece.  Start in the upper left hand corner and glue each color to the right.  Then do it again, in the same order, until you finished the frame.  
  4. Glue a piece of yarn in the back for hanging.  
  5. Add a picture.
  • Skier:  Felt, pipe cleaner, ribbon, gogglie eyes, glue, pom poms, sequins
  1. Glue the pom poms together.
  2. Glue on eyes.
  3. Glue a pipe cleaner over the top of the head for the start of the earmuffs.  
  4. Cut out 2 little circles out of the felt for the rest of the earmuffs.  Glue a circle onto the end of each pipe cleaner to finish the earmuffs.
  5. Use pipe cleaners for arms and legs and glue onto pom poms.
  6. Cut out mittens and boots out of the felt and glue onto arms and legs
  7. Glue a ski onto the bottom of each boot, curl the front end of each ski.
  8. Glue a pole onto each hand.  Glue a sequin onto each end of the pole.
  9. You can put a magnet on the back of the skier or glue a piece of yarn on pom pom for hanging up.
  • Olympic Ring Photo Holder: Felt(black, yellow, blue, green red), glue, cardboard, pictures,  yarn

  1. Cut out rings, one of each color, out of the felt.
  2. Glue the rings onto a piece of cardboard, into the olympic symbol. Let dry.
  3. Cut the excess off.  
  4. Glue a yarn on the back of the frame for hanging.
  5. Place pictures into the circles and hang up.

  • Bell Skier: Metal Bell(size of quarter), wooden bead(head), pipe cleaner, felt, pom poms, marker, paint, hot glue, glue, 2 round sequins with holes.

  1. Paint the bell(body), bead(head).  Let dry.  Draw a face onto the head.
  2. Hot glue the head onto the body(open side of bell is facing down.)  Let dry. 
  3. Make arms out of the pipe cleaners.  Hot glue into place.
  4. Take a piece of pipe cleaner, fold in half for legs.  Then hot glue onto bottom of bell.
  5. Cut out a little scarf out of the felt.  Place some hot glue around the neck and then  wrap scarf around the neck.
  6.  Cut out little mittens and boots out of felt too. Glue into place.
  7. Cut out a small piece of pipe cleaner to fit over head to from the ear muffs.  Glue onto head.  Over the top of each end of the pipe cleaner, glue on a pom pom.
  8. Can add a hat if you want, too.
  9. Cut out 2 skis boards out of felt.  Glue them to one arm.  
  10. Then take a pipe cleaner cut them up into two pieces for the poles.  At the end of each pole, place on a sequins with a little glue to hole it in place.

  • Snowman Skier: Large paper plate, small paper plate, 3 buttons, pom pom, felt, pipe cleaners, construction paper

  1. Glue a small paper plate on top of the top portion of the large paper plate.
  2. Make your snowman face.
  3. Cut out a half circle for the hat. Then make a strip for the trim on the bottom of the hat.  Glue the trim on the hat.  Glue on the pom pom onto the top of the hat.  Glue the hat onto the head.
  4. Glue the button on the large plate.
  5. Cut out black boots out of construction paper and glue onto the back of the plate, so just the bottoms of the boots show.
  6. Cut out gloves and trim to glue on top of the gloves.  
  7. Cut out 2 skis and glue them onto the bottom on the boots.
  8. Glue pipe cleaners onto the back of the large plate for the arms.  Then glue the mittens onto the end of the pipe cleaners.
  9. In each hand, glue a pipe cleaner for the poles.  On the bottom of each pole place a felt circle and glue it to place.

  • Olympic Ring Mobile: Construction paper(black, yellow, blue, green , red), scissors, yarn, hole puncher, white paper dinner plate

  1. Make a snow flake out of the white dinner plate. You can glue pieces of  blue construction paper to make designs on the snowflake.
  2. Cut out a ring out of each color.
  3. Punch 5 holes in the bottom of the snowflake.
  4. Punch a hole in each ring or just hang from ring hole.
  5. Thread a piece of yarn through each hole in the plate, tie off.  
  6. And then thread the other end through the hole in the rings.
  7. You can also hang down homemade snowflakes from the big snowflake.
  8. Punch a hole in the big snowflake for hanging.

  • Ice-Skate Bookmark: Cardboard, felt, hole puncher, cord, cotton ball, paper clip, ribbon, glitter glue

  1. Cut a boot shape from 3-inch-square cardboard.  Trace the boot on two folded pieces of felt, with the boot bottom at the fold.  Cut out the boots, but don't cut along the fold.
  2. Punch three holes in each boot and thread cord through for shoelaces.  Glue on cotton-ball trim.
  3. Slide a large paper clip into the fold of each skate.  Slip an end of a ribbon, 12 inches long and 1 inch wide, into each top.  Glue the front and back edges closed.
  4. Outline the skates with glitter glue.

  • Patriotic Macaroni Necklace: Macaroni, yarn or pipe cleaner, paint(red, white, blue)
  1. Have your child paint the pasta red, white and blue.
  2. Then string the pasta onto a piece or yarn or pipe cleaner.  Tie shut.
  • Olympic Jewelry: Colored paper in different thickness and/or magazine pages (colors of black, yellow, blue, green, red), small, wooden beads(black, yellow, blue, green, red), narrow ribbons, glue, scraps of colored foil and candy wrappers, pencil, knitting needles or chopsticks, scissors

  1. Cut out lots of long thin triangles from magazine pages and colored paper.  The triangles should be about 12 in. long.
  2. Spread glue on the thinnest two-thirds of each triangle.  Then, starting with the wide end, roll each triangle around a knitting needle, chopstick, or pencil.
  3. When you have enough paper beads, thread them onto some ribbon with a flat bead between each one.  Tie the ribbon ends together.

  • Olympic Placemat: Pictures of Olympic activities, USA and Canada Flag, Contact paper, Glitter, Construction paper(black, yellow, blue, green, red)

  1. Take the contact paper and make it long enough to make a rectangle.  Then double it.  Fold it in half, to form a crease.  
  2. Then peel back the backing up to the crease.  
  3. Start adding the pictures, flags, glitter, can even add a paper that says Winter Olympics 2010.  
  4. Then, peel back the other half of the contact paper and seal it shut. 

  • Winter Bubbles: 1 cup dish soap, 2 cups warm tap water, plastic bowl, 4 tablespoons glycerine, 1 teaspoon sugar, bubble blower

  1. Add all ingredients together and mix together.
  2. Have your child blow some bubbles inside.  Make sure they see what the bubbles look like.
  3. Then, go outside and blow some bubbles and now what happened?
  4. Water  and dishwashing liquid form a thin film that can be inflated with air to form a bubble.  Soap bubbles are shaped by the balance between the outward pressure of the gas inside them and the force of surface tension holding the liquid of the bubbles together.  Surface tension is the force of the molecules in water attracting one another.  Sometimes the bubbles appear to be motionless.  If it is cold enough, the bubbles will sparkle as they freeze, and if they hit the snow, they will bounce.
  5. Found in the book: Nature in a nutshell for kids by Jean Potter.

  • Olympic Ring Game: Paper plate, twin-size bed-sheet, 2 wooden blank blocks or wooden blocks and construction paper, black marker, paint or markers(black, yellow, blue, green, red), pencil
  1. This is just like Twister!
  2. For dice, use two wooden blocks.  On the six sides of one block, use a marker to write left hand, left foot, right foot, any hand and any foot.  On the six sides of the other block, use a marker to draw a circle of each color on its own side.  Then on the left over space put all 5 rings together(olympic symbol)
  3. On a twin-size bedsheet trace around a paper plate, with a pencil,  to make six rows of six evenly spaced circles. Then with paint or markers trace around each circle. One row down will be black circles, the next row will be yellow circles, then a blue row, next, is a green row, then a red row, the final row will be all 5 together as the olympic symbol.
  4. Up to four players remove their shoes.  Each stands on a different side of the sheet.  Another person rolls the dice and calls out the circle color and body parts rolled.  Players follow the roller's instructions.  Only one hand or foot  can touch each circle.  If a player falls, he or she is out.  Play continues until only one player is left.  
  • Let's Go Ice Skating: Small bowls(such as margarine tubs), 1 large shallow container, water, small plastic people
  1. In advance, fill containers halfway with water and freeze.
  2. Show your child the ice, such as cold, smooth, slippery.
  3. Ask the children to gather around the large container and show the children how to slide the plastic people across the ice in the container. Talk about ice skating and how children would dress if they were going ice skating.
  4. Give the children each a bowl and a plastic person to pretend to skate across the ice.
  • Go Ice Skating
  • Painting With Snow: White paper, containers of snow, colored tissue paper cut into 4"x4" squares, spoons or small shovels, old mittens

  1. Put snow into containers and bring them into the house.
  2. Place a piece of colored tissue paper on top of the white paper.  Then, add a little snow on top of the tissue paper.
  3. Let the snow melt and then show your child what the white paper looks like after you lift off the tissue paper.

  • Olympic Ring Snow Art: Water bottles with sprayers, Food Coloring, Water
  1. Fill the water bottles 3/4 full of water.
  2. Add a couple drops of food coloring.  Make one black, yellow, blue, green, red. 
  3. Then have your child go outside and make big olympic rings in the snow, so that everyone can see the olympic symbol.
  • Olympic Ring Pom Pom Game: Small margarine tubs with lids, corrugated cardboard, makers(black, yellow, blue, green, red), hole puncher, plastic wrap(press-n-seal the best), 5 small pom poms(black, yellow, blue, green, red), clear packing tape
  1. Trace the bottom of the tub around the cardboard. Cut it out. Then punch out 5 holes in the cardboard.  
  2. Trace around each hole to make a colored circle. Use the colors black, yellow, blue, green, red).
  3. Place the cardboard into the tub.  
  4. Place the pom poms into the tub.  
  5. Cover the top with plastic wrap and tape the edges down with tape.
  6. Have your child  try to get the pom poms into the holes.  If they can get them into their right color, they totally bet the game.
  • Olympic Ring Necklace: Pipe-cleaners(black, yellow, blue, green, red, gold, silver, bronze)
  1. Make small circles with the (black, yellow, blue, green, red).  Make sure to fasten them together.  
  2. Take the gold, silver and bronze and twist the ends together, in that order.  
  3. Then, twist the gold pipe cleaner onto one of the end circles.  Twist the bronze pipe cleaner to the other end.
  • Olympic Number Toss: Inside of paper plate olympic symbol, paint(black, yellow, blue, green, red), black marker, coins
  1. With the insides of the paper plates from the Olympic Symbol Craft from above.  Have your child paint the plates with paints.
  2. On each plate, place a number from 1-5.
  3. Then place the plates onto the floor in front of your child.  
  4. They must then throw the coins and try to get them onto the plates.  
  5. The highest number wins.
  • Olympic Ring Toss: Pipe cleaner(black, yellow, blue, green, red), white paper cups, black marker, markers or paint, glitter, glue, sequins
  1. Make individual circles with the pipe-cleaners.
  2. Have your decorate the cups with markers or paints, glitter, and sequins.  Place the cups around the room in front of your child.  
  3. Then have your child try to get the rings around the cups.
  • Olympic Bean Bag Toss: Felt(black,yellow, blue, green, red), needle, thread, beans, paper plates, crayons or markers(black, yellow, blue, green, red)
  1. Cut out 2 squares each of the felt colors.  
  2. Take a needle and thread and sew up two pieces together, leave the top open enough to add the beans and then sew the rest up.
  3. Color the 5 plates one of each color.
  4. Take the 5 plates and cut out the middle to form 5 rings.  Keep centers too.
  5. Lay the rings and centers on the floor.
  6. Then have your child toss the beanbags into or onto the right colored rings or circles.
  • Olympic Color Game: I spy game
  1. Have your child look around your house and try to find things that are black, yellow(gold), blue, green, red
  • Skiing Pretend Game: Cardboard, 2 long wooden dowel(size of your child), pipe cleaners, felt, hot glue
  1. Cut out skis out of cardboard.  Have your child color them if they want.
  2. Take the pipe cleaners and make them into a U and place them into the skis to form the shoe fastener.  
  3. Paint the dowels, whatever color your child wants. Let dry. Can glue a piece of yarn onto the ends of the dowels for hand fasteners.
  4. Cut out circles out of felt.  Place the end of the dowel in the middle of felt piece, and trace around the dowel.  Cut out the circles.
  5. Slip the felt circle onto the dowel, toward the bottom.  Glue in place.
  6. Now your child can pretend they are skiing. 
  • Olympic Ring Hunt: 5 Paper plates, Paint, markers or crayons(black, yellow, blue, green, red), scissors
  1. Make 5 rings with the middle cut out of them to make rings.  
  2. Color or paint one ring black, one yellow(gold), one blue, one green, one red
  3. Hide the rings around the house.
  4. Then have your child or children try to find the five rings.
  5. Can also use the rings in the Olympic Ring Toss Game.
  • Straw Hockey Game: Cardboard lid(like the lid on a game like candyland), 2 straws, milk lid or plastic bottle cap, cardboard, glue, marker
  1. Draw a circle in the middle of the lid and a line dividing the box in half, on each side of the circle. 
  2. Make two goal post with the cardboard.  Glue in place.
  3. Each person gets a straw.  
  4. Place a lid or cap (hockey puck)in the middle of the circle.  
  5. When you say go, each player must blow the hockey puck and try to get it into the other person's goal post.
  6. If you want you can make a score board too.  Cut out 2 circles out of thin cardboard or card-stock.  Write the numbers 1-6 or whatever you want to go up too, on the circles, in a circle. Cut out two arrows out of red card stock paper, for the score pointer, (make no bigger than the circles).Take a piece of cardboard and bend the sides to help it stand.  You may want to cut the sides at an angle.  Write Scoreboard on the top and put write down Visitor on one side and Home on the other side.  Then just below the Visitor sign, put one of the number circles and put an arrow on top of the circles and fasten in place with a brad or paper fastener.  Do the same thing with the Home side. Every-time someone scores just turn the arrow the next number.
  • Snowman Hola Hoop Game: Make a snowman or two, 1 or 2 hola hoops
  1. Make a snowman or two. Can decorate it with clothes or paint if you want.
  2. Each person must try to get the hola hoops over the snowman.  The person who gets the hola hoop around the snowman and to the ground wins.
  • Who Am I?: Olympic charades game
  1. Each person must act out a winter sport and see if anyone can guess who they are.  Like a skier, hockey player, ice skater, etc.
  • Ballon Game: BalloonBlow up some balloons. 
  1. Make up a goal for each person.  Everyone tries to get their balloons into the other person's goal.
  • Olympic Ring Ping Pong Bucket Toss: Container, 5 Ping Pong Balls, paint(black, yellow, blue, green, red), marker
  1. Paint the ping pong balls, one of each color.
  2. Write a number on each ball.
  3. Place a container in front of your child.  Then have them try to see if they can get the ball into the container.
  4. You can keep moving the container back, for a challenge. 
  • Don't Break The Ice Game 
  • Winter Olympic Coloring Book Printable:  Click Here
  • Winter Olympic Activity Printables: Click Here
  • Learn All About Canada: Click Here

  • "I Love My Flag" (Yankee Doodle): 
I love my flag
Oh yes I do
It's red and white and blue.
I stand up tall when it goes by
And I salute it too.

Fifty stars and thirteen stripes lead
As we march along.
Follow now around the room
And sing our happy song.
  • Stars and Stripes by Leonard E. Fisher
  • Ice Is...Whee! by Carol Greene
  • The Mitten by Jan Brett
  • Pedestal Snack Bowls: Round plastic bottle or containers, metal paper fasteners, plastic cup or margarine tub, permanent markers, colored plastic tape(red, white and blue), scissors
  1. Basic Bowl: Choose the size bowl you want to make.  Poke a hole in the bottom of the bowl and the base.  Join them together, bottom to bottom, using a paper fastener.  Decorate the bowls with the tape.
  2. Small Bowl: Use a margarine tub or other  container for the bowl. Cut a plastic cup in half, and use the bottom part for your pedestal.  Color with markers.
  3. Large Bowl: Cut off the top portion of a bottle and use the bottom for the bowl.  Cut a scalloped edge around the bowl. (waves like). Use a margarine tub for your base.  Decorate the pedestal using strips of the tape or permanent markers.
  • Strawberries(red), whipped cream(white), blueberries(blue)
  • Round noodles
  • Spagettios
  • Fruit Loops
  • Cherrios
  • Pineapple Rings
Some Crafts were found in the following books:
  • The Giant Encyclopedia of Circle Time and Group Activities for Children 3 to 6 created by teachers
  • Bottle Cap Activities by Kathy Cisneros
  • The Fantastic Rainy Day Book by Angela Wilkes
  • Highlights:  The Holidays 
  • Nature in a nutshell for kids by Jean Potter
  • Look What You Can Make With Dozens Of Household Items! by Boyds Mills Press
  • International Spring and Summer Festivals by Marilynn G. Barr
  • Easy Fun Projects with Everyday Items by Ruby Shumaker


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