Nick Jr.

MTV Networks, Inc.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Photo Stamps!

Photo Stamps
$.40 A Piece!

Wouldn't it be great to get customized photo stamps for $.40 a piece.  You can have a picture of your children or pets on your very own stamp.  This would be great for holidays, special occasions like birthdays, or to send to letters over seas.

1) Click onto website below and login to ShopAtHome (Sign-up for a new account if you don't already have one, it's FREE. 

Get 150,000+ free online coupon codes, printable grocery coupons, restaurant coupons and more at!

2) Go to the PhotoStamps Homepage by searching for "photo stamps." Click on the link that comes up and says Photo Stamps. You should see an $8 Cash Back coupon to click through.

3) Upload the photo that you'd like to use, making any edits that you want. Then proceed to Checkout.

4) You should order 2 sheets as this is the best deal at $16.99 each. You can order more, but a minimum of 2 for makes for the best price.

5) Once at checkout, you'll use code thirtyoff to get 30% off and code cutekid12to get FREE shipping. (Both codes stack, so you can use both of them.)

Your end total will be $23.79 for 40 stamps and you'll get an $8 credit in yourShopAtHome account within 30 days. This will bring your total down to $15.79 or $.40 a stamp! (Also, if you are new to ShopAtHome, you'll get a $5 sign-up bonus when you complete your purchase!)

These would make cute additions to your holiday cards and labels! Consider this---order a set for grandparents as a gift for them to use throughout the year! (Or make a set of a wedding/baby photo for newlyweds/new parents for a gift!)


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