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Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wacky Wednesday: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs!

Wacky Wednesday:
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs!

Food Weather Chart:
  • Supplies Needed: Pictures of Food, Construction paper, glue
  1. On a blank piece of white construction paper, Write on top Cloudy With A Chance Of: Then, write Sunday-Saturday on top of the paper(sideways). Draw black lines down to separate each day.  
  2. On each day glue a picture of a piece of food. For example on Sunday glue a picture of a hamburger, on Monday a cookie, Tuesday a Pancakes, etc.
  3. Below each picture write down what the weather will be: like 50 Degrees.
Ice Cream Pom Pom:
  • Supplies Needed: Sticky foam craft, pom poms, glue
  1. Make a cone shape out of sticky foam craft.
  2. Place glue on a pom pom and stick onto the cone.
  3. Glue as many as you want.
Spaghetti Craft:
  • Supplies Needed: Paper Plate, red yarn, brown pom poms, yarn
  1. Place and glue red yarn onto a paper plate to make it look like spaghetti.
  2. Then glue brown pom pom onto the yarn to make it look like meatballs
  3. May also wear this as a hat by punching a hole on each side of plate.  Thread a yarn through the hole and tie it off.  
  4. Child may now wear it on their head.
Tornado in a Bottle:
  • Supplies Needed: 2 plastic soda bottles, duct tape, water, debris(food looking stuff like spaghetti(red yarn), meatballs(foam little balls) 
  1. Remove labels from the plastic bottles.
  2. Cut a 3" x 3" piece of duct tape, and make a hole in the middle of it with the pen.  I found that it works fine with no tape, although the demonstration is rather short. The smaller the hole, the more tight the spiral tail will be.
  3. Position the tape with the hole over the mouth of the bottle, and secure tightly around the sides. (See attached diagram.)
  4. Fill the other bottle three-quarters (3/4) of the way with water (Add the red yarn(Spaghetti) and little foam balls(MeatBalls) 
  5. Place the two mouths of the bottles together (the empty one upside-down on top of the water-filled one), and tape them carefully together with the duct tape, making sure not to leave any holes. Test for leakage by carefully rotating the bottles.
  6. To create the tornado affect, turn the bottles upside-down so that the water should be flowing through the hole into the bottom, empty bottle. Swirl slowly to help create the funnel.
  7. This craft was found at, except for the adding of the yarn and little foam balls.
Felt Pepperoni Pizza:
  • Supplies Needed: Brown, red, yellow felt pieces, glue
  1. Cut out a pizza slice piece out of the brown felt piece.
  2. Cut a piece of cheese smaller than the brown piece from the yellow felt. Glue on the brown piece.
  3. Cut out little circle out of the red felt for the pepperoni pieces and glue on the cheese.
Smelly Stickers:
  • Supplies Needed: Stickers, scented glue
  1. Take the scented glue like popcorn scent and glue some onto a sticker and let dry.
  2. You can place these stickers on some card stock to make a child's book with smelly stickers.
Whats For Dinner?
  • Supplies Needed: Blank paper, crayons
  1. Hand your child a blank piece of paper and some crayons.
  2. Ask your child to draw what they would like for supper.  They can be odd things like ice cream or funny things like worms.
Scented Stamp Print Art:
  • Supplies Needed: Stamps( fresh mushrooms, celery, potatoes, green peppers, apple), scented ink pads(hobby lobby), paper
  1. Cut up the mushrooms into slices, the potatoes in half(can carve something into the pumpkin to make a stamp, Cut green peppers into slices, and turn an apple sideways and cut it in half, should see a star shape(remove seeds)
  2. Place the different things onto a scented ink pad and stamp away. 
Celery Experiment:
  • Supplies Needed: Celery, food coloring, water
  1. Place some water into a couple tall glasses.
  2. Drop different food colorings into each glass.
  3. Then cut some celery in half just tall enough to go over the top of the glass. Show your child the ends of the celery.
  4. Let the celery be in the water for a bit until the food coloring reaches the top of the celery piece.
  5. Show your child how the food coloring is inside the celery.
Make Jello:
  • Supplies Needed: Jello, hot and cold water
  1. Have fun with your child and make jello.
  2. You may add fruit to your jello to add more flavor.
  3. Can also add whip cream on top of your jello too.
Food Tree:
  • Supplies Needed: Pictures of food, Blue, green, brown, yellow construction paper, glue, cotton balls
  1. Have your child draw a picture of a tree with no leaves.
  2. Add the pictures of food to the tree to make a food tree.
  3. Cut out a yellow sun, green grass, blue sky out of construction paper. Glue in place.
  4. Use the cotton balls for clouds. Glue in place.
Food Apron:
  • Supplies Needed: Blank Canvas kids (and adult, if you want to make one with your child)apron, Paint, food like mushrooms, celery, potatoes, green peppers, apples)
  1. Slice up the food to use as stamps.
  2. Have you child dip the food into the paints and stamp them onto their very own apron.  They could try it on a blank piece of paper first to see what it looks like.
  3. You may also do an apron with them and you can both wear them while you cook.
  • Supplies Needed: Empty TP Tube, Aluminum foil, sticky tape, paint
  1. Paint the TP Tube any color, let dry.
  2. Wad up a piece of aluminum foil and place it on top of tube.  Tape in place. 
  3. This can be used to do their news reports.
  4. Have them do news reports outside or at a park or where ever they choose.
Clay Bread:
  • Supplies Needed: 7 slices of bread, glue, dish washing detergent
  1. Cut the crust off 7 pieces of bread.
  2. Break the bread into tiny pieces and put them in a medium-sized bowl.
  3. Add 7 teaspoons of white glue and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add 1/2 teaspoon of water and 1/2 teaspoon dish washing detergent.
  5. Knead your mixture until you get a nice clay consistancy.
  6. Make sculptures out of your clay and let air dry.
  1. If your mixture is too dry, add a bit more water.
  2. Air drying usually takes about 24 hours.
  3. Don't eat this dough!
This craft was found on

Pretending To Be A Weather Person:
  • Supplies Needed: Map of the US, Tape
  1. Tape a map on a wall or door.
  2. Have your child pretend they are a weather person and give the weather.
  3. The weather can be silly like a chance of raining cats and dogs, etc.
  • Food Coloring Pages: Click Here
  • Make your own 3-D glasses: Click Here
  • Felt Weather Channel: Cardboard, scissors, colored felt, pencil, ruler, clear cellophane, glue, colored tape, puffy fabric paint. For Instructions: Click Here
Sandwich Boat:
  • Supplies Needed: Piece of foam(from like an old couch cushion) or store bought, brown paint or crayon, Green, Red, Tan, Yellow Felt, Glue, Brown foam paint, pencil, yarn, slice of bread.
  1. Take a piece of bread and place it on a piece of foam and trace around it, to make two slices of bread out of the foam piece. Cut it out.
  2. Can make a sandwich by using the green felt for lettuce, red felt for tomatoes, tan felt for lunch meat, yellow felt for cheese. Glue onto one slice and glue to other piece of bread and make a sandwich.  
  3. Paint around the bread with brown foam paint to make the crust for the bread.  Let dry.
  4. Place a pencil into the foam for the mast of the boat.
  5. Tie 4 piece of yarn into the top of the pencil and take the one piece in each corner of the bread and glue in place.  
  6. Cut out a yellow triangle and use a hole puncher to make it swiss.(cheese) for a sail. Glue onto the pencil.
  7. Also cut out a tan triangle for a pizza slice and red circles for the triangles for pepperoni and glue onto pizza. Glue the pizza sail onto the pencil too.
  • Bingo game use small chocolate chip cookies
Topping Toss:
  • Supplies Needed: Cardboard , pictures of stuff found on pizza, crayons
  1. Cut a circle out of cardboard to make the pizza crust.
  2. Glue the pictures of the food onto another piece of cardboard. Let dry. Cut pictures out.
  3. Have your child color the cardboard pizza red to make the sauce.
  4. Place the pizza crust on the floor a distance from your child and  have your child throw the toppings onto their pizza and see what kind of pizza they will be making.
Pasta Art/Necklace:
  • Supplies Needed: All kinds of pasta pieces, glue, paint, yarn, construction paper or paper.
  1. Your child can use the pasta to glue onto paper to make their own pasta art work.
  2. They can also use the pasta that has a hole into it to thread onto a yarn necklace. They can paint the pasta first to make it colorful.  Have them place the painted pasted on wax paper to dry.
Chopstick Pick-Up:
  • Supplies Needed: Chopsticks, small things like pom poms, marshmallows, cotton balls, small toys
  1. Give your child two chopsticks and have them try to pick up small things with them.
  2. You can time them and see how much they can pick up in a minute.
  • Mr. Potato Head
  • Hot dogs
  • Pancakes
  • Donuts
  • Spagetti and Meat Balls
  • Pie
  • Hamburgers
  • Eggs
  • Bacon
  • Pizza
Books and Movie:
  • Cloudy with a chance of meatballs: Flint Saves the Day By Michael Teitelbaum
  • Cloudy with a chance of meatballs: TeamWork! By Rebecca Frazer
  • Cloudy with a chance of meatballs: In 3-D The Weather Report with Sam Sparks By Allison Inches
  • Cloudy with a chance of meatballs By Judi Barrett
  • Cloudy with a chance of meatballs: Greetings from chewandswallow! By Veronica Pez
  • Cloudy with a chance of meatballs: The tasty tale of Chewandswallow By Rick Barba
  • Cloudy with a chance of meatballs: Meet the Folks By Tina Gallo and MADA Design
  • Cloudy with a chance of meatballs Movie (which is in 3-D).  This is an Awesome movie.  We had the privilege of watching it at the theater. Movie does not come out until January 5, 2010.
Other related books are:
  • Pickles to Pittsburgh(the sequal)
  • Marshmallow Incident 
These books can be found along with coloring books at Barnes & Noble, Amazon or Borders


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