Nick Jr.

MTV Networks, Inc.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Space: Week 9 November 1-November 7

This Week Is All About Space!

Flying Saucers:

  • Supplies Needed:Two CDs for Each Child (AOL Free CDs work great), Glue, Cup Lid or Milk Cap, Construction Paper, Paint
  1. Glue the Two CDs together (so that only the shiny parts can be seen). 
  2. Then paste the lid on so that it looks like the cabin of the flying saucer. 
  3. Then let your children finish the design of the flying saucer anyway that they can.
  4. You can also use cardboard pieces or cardboard pizza bottoms to make the flying saucer.
  5. Craft found on

My Own Constellation: 

  • Supplies Needed: Paper,Paint or stickers, Chalk

  1. Give all of your children black paper.
  2.  Let them either use paint to make stars or use star stickers.
  3.  Finally they can connect the stars with paint or chalk and make their own constellation.
  4. Craft found on

  • Supplies Needed: Paper Towel Tubes, Paint, Black Tissue Paper, Various Other Art Supplies of Your Choice

  1. Put two pieces of black tissue paper at the end of a paper towel tube and fasten it with a rubber band.
  2.  Using a small object (pencil, pen, paperclip, etc.) punch several small holes in the tissue paper. 
  3. Next let your children decorate their telescope however they see fit. 
  4. When your children look through the telescope and hold it up to a light they will see stars!
  5. Craft found on

  • Supplies Needed: Paper plate, yellow paint, yellow construction paper, glue, black marker

  1. Have your child paint a paper plate yellow and let dry.
  2. Then cut out beams of light for around the sun using yellow paper. Glue it around the plate.
  3. Your child may draw a happy face on their sun.


  • Supplies Needed: Paper plate, light blue or gray paint

  1. Have your child paint a paper plate light blue or gray. 
  2. They can have craters or the man in the moon.
  3. You can put glow in the dark over the top of the dried paint to make it glow like a real moon.

Star Art:

  • Supplies Needed: Black paper, gold stars
  1. Have your child place stars onto a black paper.
  2. They can draw a moon or other plants onto their artwork.

  • Supplies Needed: Pringles can, nail, flashlight

  1. Take a nail and poke holes into the metal end of the can.   You can make cool designs.
  2. Turn on a flashlight and place it  into can and shut off light.
  3. See what happens.
  4. Craft found on

Universe In A Jar:

  • Supplies Needed: Baby food jar, water, sequins, tinfoil, sparkles (you need at least one of these, but not all so if you don't have sequins or sparkles don't worry),  OPTIONAL:  blue food colouring, OPTIONAL:  black paint, OPTIONAL: stickers to decorate with,  scissors and glue. OPTIONAL:  paint the lid of the baby food jar black and/or decorate with stickers

  1. Put in some sparkles, some sequins (star shape, moon shape and circle shape all work great) and some small balled up pieces of tinfoil (cut 1 inch square pieces of tinfoil and let your child ball them up).
  2. Fill the jar with water  
  3. OPTIONAL:  Put a few drops of blue food colouring in the jar.  
  4. OPTIONAL:  Put a few drops of oil in for a bit of a lava lamp effec
  5. Put the lid on the jar TIGHTLY (ask dad to help!)
  6. Let your child play with it ... shake it up to see the universe
  7. Craft found on

  • Supplies Needed: Cardboard, paper clips, magnets, space pictures, glue, yarn, dowel

  1. Glue pieces of space pictures onto pieces of cardboard.  
  2. Glue magnets onto cardboard pieces.
  3. Tie a piece of a yarn onto a dowel(that child can paint before hand), and glue it.  
  4. Tie a paper clip at the other end of yarn. 
  5. Let your child go fishing into space.
Star-Shaped Necklace and Bracelet:

  • Supplies Needed: Star shaped beads, yarn

  1. Measure your child's wrist and make sure to leave extra yarn, so your child can slide it off their wrist after you tie it.
  2. Measure your child's head and make sure to leave extra yarn, so your child can slide it over their head with no problem.
  3. Let your child slide their beads on the yarn to make their jewelry. 
  4. Some star-shaped stars glow in the dark.


  • Supplies Needed: 2 paper plates, stapler, stickers, glitter

  1. Staple 2 paper plates together to make a doom.
  2. Then your child can paint the plates, add stickers and glitter to their UFO'S.

Stars-In-A-Jar Shaker:

  • Supplies Needed: Small clear jar with screw-top lid, corn syrup, aluminum foil, star-shaped hole puncher, masking tape, thin blue ribbon, blue food coloring, water

  1. Fill the jar almost to the top with corn syrup.  Add a few drops of blue food coloring.
  2. Punch eight or more stars from aluminum foil with a star-shaped hole punch. If you do not have a star punch, use a round hole punch.  These "stars" will look pretty too, but punch more of them because they are smaller.  Put the stars in the corn syrup.
  3. Add water to the jar to fill it.  Put the lid tightly on the jar.  Shake the jar to color the syrup evenly.  Tape around the edge of the jar with masking tape.  Cover the lid with aluminum foil.  Tie a blue ribbon around the rim of the jar. 
  4. Shake and turn the jar and watch the stars float slowly in outer space.

Pom Pom Planet Mobile:

  • Supplies Needed: Wire hanger, black construction paper, sticker stars, blue glue gel, blue yarn, pipe cleaner, 1/2 gray pom pom(Mercury), 1 inch yellow pom pom(Venus), 1 inch blue pom pom(Earth), 1 inch red pom pom(Mars), 2 inch orange pom pom(Jupiter), 2 inch yellow pom pom(Saturn), 1 1/2 green pom pom(Uranus), 1 1/2 inch blue pom pom(Neptune), 1/2 inch gray pom pom(Pluto)

  1. Cut pieces of yarn into 9  12 inch pieces.  
  2. Glue a pom pom to an end of the 12 pieces.
  3. Glue a piece a yarn around Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
  4. Tie the other end of strings to the bottom of the hanger in the following order from left to right: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
  5. Trace around the hanger with a pen on a sheet of black construction paper.  Do not trace around the hook.  Put another sheet of black paper underneath the tracing and cut around the traced line through both sheets.  Put glue and the hanger between the pieces of paper so that the hanger - but not the hook- is completely covered.
  6. Decorate the black paper with sticker stars to make it look like the night sky.

Astronaut-Into-The-Spaceship Puppet:

    • Supplies Needed: Cardboard paper-towel tube, bathroom size paper cup, blue yarn, white paper, glue, markers, masking tape, yarn, rickrack, ribbon, aluminum foil, cereal box cardboard, cellophane tape, read and blue sticker stars
    1. In one end of the tube, cut out a piece of cardboard 1 inch wide and 4 inches long.  Tape   the paper cup over the cut end of the tube to make the top of the rocket ship, leaving a small cutout opening.
    2. Cut two fins of the same shape and size for the bottom of the rocket.  Cut a slit on each side of the bottom of the tube.  Slide each fin into one of the slits so that the fins stick out on each side of the rocket.  Tape the fins on the inside of the tube to hold them in place. 
    3. Cover the rocket with foil. Secure with tape.
    4. Decorate rocket ship.
    5. Cut a piece of blue yarn about 2 feet long.  String the yarn through the opening in the top of the rocket and out the bottom.  Tie the ends of the yarn together so that it forms a loop.
    6. Open the folded astronaut picture, wrap it around the yarn, and glue the front and back of the picture together.
    7. Pull the yarn to lift the astronaut up and into the spaceship.

    Starry-Sky Light Catcher:

    • Supplies Needed: 4-inch diameter plastic lid, glue, blue food coloring, paper cup, craft stick, blue yarn, aluminum foil, star-shaped hole puncher, scissors, gold glitter,newspaper

    1. Pour about 4 ounces of glue into the paper cup.  Add two or three drops of blue food coloring.  Mix the glue and coloring well with the craft stick until the glue is an even color of blue.
    2. Pour enough glue into the plastic lid to completely fill in. 
    3. Cut a 3-inch long piece of yarn. Press the two ends of the yarn into the glue at the edge of the lid to make a hanger.
    4. Punch stars from the aluminum foil and set them on top of the glue. (If you do not have a star punch, you can cut the stars with scissors or use packaged sticker stars.)  Sprinkle gold glitter over the top of the stars and glue.
    5. Let this project dry for several days on a flat surface.  When it is completely day, peel the glue out of the plastic lid. 
    6. Hang your starry sky in a sunny window.

    Home Made Constellations:

    • Supplies Needed: Sheet of grid paper, black construction paper, pencil, flashlight

    1. On a sheet of grid paper a constellations.  Use the squares on the paper to help you position the stars.
    2. Place a sheet of black construction paper behind the grid paper.  Use a pencil to poke a large hole for each star.
    3. Hold the construction paper so that it faces the ceiling.  Turn off the lights, and shine a flashlight on the paper.  The light shines through the holes of the paper, and a sparkling constellation appears on the ceiling.

      Soaring Tubes:

      • Supplies Needed: Cardboard tubes, lightweight cardboard or foam paper, paint, construction paper, scissors, glue or tape, chenille sticks, decorative items, paint.

      1. Paint tube. Let dry.  
      2. Cut a half-circle out of construction paper, roll one side in, and tape or glue. We made ours about 3" tall.
      3. Attach the cone to the top of the tube.  
      4. Cut out two or four tail fins from lightweight cardboard or foam paper.  Use lots of glue to attach the fins to rocket body securely.
      5. Add details with paper cutouts, markers, or other materials.  We even used some sequins.

      • Directions on how to make a Space Control Panel: Click here
      • For other craft and activities ideas: Click Here


      Ballon Rocket Race:
      • Supplies Needed: String, straw, balloon

      1. Cut up a straw into 3 sections.
      2. Place a string through a section of a straw.
      3. Inflate a ballon and tie it off.
      4. Tape the ballon onto the straw on the string.
      5. Tape one end of the string onto something like the ground or chair.
      6. Have the ballon at the top on the string not taped to something.  Then hold the string up and let go of the ballon and watch it race to the bottom.

      Asteroid Game:
      • Supplies Needed: Paper or Foil

      1. Wad up paper or foil and give them to your children.
      2. Have them throw the wads at each other and they have to try to dodge the asteroids. 

      • Supplies Needed: Lite Bright, blank paper

      1. Place a blank piece of blank lite bright paper onto the lite bright.
      2. Have your child place lite brights onto the paper to make star patterns.

      • Place Glow in the dark stars, moon, planets onto ceiling or walls of your child's room.
      • Space theme for kids information, activities: Click here
      Astronaut Testing:
      • Supplies Needed: Bubbles

      1. Have your child sit in a swivel chair with a bottle of bubbles.
      2. Spin your child around slowly and have them try to blow bubbles at the same time.
      3. You could have other kids throw wadded up foil or paper and use them for asteroids.

      • Make different creations with Moon Sand.
      • Rooster Calls: Have the children make rooster calls. Explain that roosters usually call out in the morning, when the sun rises.
      • Play Astronaut, Astronaut, Alien (Just like Duck, Duck, Goose)
      Planet Game:
      • Supplies Needed: 8 various sized bouncing balls, few hula-hoops

      1. Place hula-hoops in the yard.  
      2. Give your child the planets ball.
      3. Have them try to land them into the black holes.
      4. Give them points depending on whats hoops they land the planets in and what planets they land in.

      • Give your child Glow in the dark items, light up stuff and then turn off the lights or play outside and let them pretend they are stars or planets.
      Milky Way Game:
      • Supplies Needed: Empty towel rolls, small balls, bucket

      1. Give each child an empty towel rolls.  If you have a lot of kids this could be real fun.
      2. Give your child a ball and they have to roll the ball into the tube and try to get it into a bucket.
      3. If they are a lot of kids, split them up into 2 groups.  Everyone gets a tube. Line the children up into a line, leading to the bucket.  The leader of each group rolls their ball into the tube, the next child tries to roll the ball into their tube without dropping it.  Then the next kid does the same thing.  The last kid tries to get the ball into the bucket.  The team with the most balls in bucket wins.
      Tossed In Space Game:

      • Supplies Needed: 3 empty clear containers(dollar tree), 3 CD's

      1. Add point value to each container.  10, 50 and 100Pt.s
      2. Toss the CD(UFO's) into the container and add up the points.
      3. The one with the most points win.

      • Let your kids put on Boots and pretend to space walk on the moon.
      • Place a picture of an alien on the head of the Operation Game.  The kids can operate on an alien.
      • Instead of B-I-N-G-O the card said A-L-I-E-N

      Black Hole Toss Game:
      • Supplies Needed: Black thick paper, white paint, small paper plate

      1. Take a piece of black thick paper and cut out a circle in the middle (about 16" diameter). 
      2. Then decorate around the hole with white web spray paint so it looked like a black hole from outer space.
      3. Have the kids then used the flying saucers they had made and take turns trying to toss the saucers into the black hole

      • Blow up Balloons and instead of tying them let them fly.  See who can get their ballon the furthest.
      • I crumpled up aluminum foil into a potato sized ball and we played "Hot Asteroid" (like Hot Potato)

      Planet Walk:

      • Supplies Needed: Picture of all planets, construction paper, glue, music

      1. Place a picture of a planet on a piece of construction paper. Make 2 Suns. Write each planets name onto the paper. You can laminate it to last longer. Place all the planets in a large circle onto the ground.  Place a sun with the planets and put each sun in the middle of the planet. You can tape it onto the ground so they don't move.
      2. Then have your child stand on or by their planet.  
      3. Play the music and let your child walk around the planet.  When the music stops they will land on a planet. If they land on a sun they must sit in the middle and be the sun. Have the rest of the kids tell you what planet they landed on.  
      4. Start music back up again and repeat.

      • Wrap Foil around your child to pretend they are wearing a space suit. Be careful they don't get to hot and don't put it around their face.

      Space Helmet:

      • Supplies Needed: Empty milk jugs, silver spray paint, scissors, 2 empty 2-liter bottles, tape, string
      1. I cut the handles out of milk jugs to form a helmet and spray painted them silver for each child to have a space helmet.
      2.  I also took two 2-liter bottles, taped them together, painted silver and attached string for each child to have an air tank.
      Time Capsule:
      • Supplies Needed: Empty tennis can or resealable plastic storage bag, paper, pictures of kids, puff paint, newspaper clippings.

      1. Write Time Capsule with puff paint on the tennis can.  Let dry.
      2. Place pictures of kids inside can.
      3. Place Newspaper clippings inside can.
      4. Have your kids draw something and put inside can.
      5. Place anything else in can.

      • Visit a Planetarium 
      • Place cushions on the floor and pretend it's a space ship.
      • Sing Song Mister Sun:
        Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun, (Place hands over head to form sun) Please shine down on me. (Wiggle fingers while moving hands down) Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,(Place hands over head to form sun) Hiding behind the tree. (Place hands over eyes) These little children are asking you, (Points to children) To please come out so we can play with you. (I don't know sign) Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,(Place hands over head to form sun) Please shine down on,(Wiggle fingers while moving hands down) Won't you shine down on,(Wiggle fingers while moving hands down) Please shine down on me.(Point at self)
      • Star Light, Star Bright
        Star Light, Star Bright First star I see tonight, Wish I may, Wish I might, Have the wish I wish tonight.
      • Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

      •  Toy Story 1 & 2
      • E.T.
      • Star Trek
      • Star Wars
      • Magic School Bus Space Movie
      • Jimmy Neutron
      • Space Buddies
      • Space Chimps
      • Disney's Little Eisteins - Race for Space
      • Wall-E
      • Fly me to the moon
      • Apollo 13 
      • The Jetsons
      • Star-Shaped Sandwiches: Turkey, cheese, bread or crackers,star shape cookie cutter
      • Moon Cheese: Cheese(swiss) Crackers
      • Galaxy PunchPunch and cantaloupe 
      • Starburst, Milky Way Bar, Pop Rocks
      • Tang
      • Flying Saucer Pizza: English muffins, pizza sauce, Mozzarella Cheese, small pepperoni, olives, mushrooms
      • Star-shaped jello jugglers
      • Little Dippers: Chicken nuggets
      • Astronaut Pudding: Fill bag with Chocolate pudding and seal it up.  Cut corner out of bag and let your child suck the pudding out of bag, 
      • Moon Pies
      • Alien Guts: Spaghetti 
      • Alien Brain Freeze: Green sherbet
      • Dehydrated foods
      • Space foods(hobby lobby, sports stores(camping section)
      • About space (we both read) By Jana Carson
      • There is no place like space: All about our solar system (Cat's in the Hat learning library) By Tish Rabe and Aristides Ruiz
      • What's out there? A book about space (Reading Railroad) By Lynn Wilson
      • The magic school bus out of this world: a book about space rocks By Joanna Cole and Bruce Degan
      • I took the moon for a walk By Carolyn Curtis and Allison Jay
      • Goodnight Moon By Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd
      • Fool Moon Rising By Kristi Fluharty and T Lively Fluharty 
      • Hello, Harvest Moon By Ralph Fletcher and Kate Kiesler
      • Faces of the Moon By Bob Crelin and Leslie Evans
      • By the light of the Harvest Moon By Harriet Ziefert
      • Moon Rabbit By Natalie Russell
      • Full Moon Soup By Alastair Graham
      • No Moon, No Milk By Chris Babcock


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